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Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0

Table of Contents

Status of this Memo
Table of Contents
1. - Introduction
1.1 - Purpose
1.2 - Overall Operation
1.3 - Terminology
2. - Notational Conventions and Generic Grammar
2.1 - Augmented BNF
2.2 - Basic Rules
3. - Protocol Parameters
3.1 - HTTP Version
3.2 - Universal Resource Identifiers
3.3 - Date/Time Formats
3.3.1 - Full Date
3.3.2 - Delta Seconds
4. - HTTP Message
4.1 - Message Types
4.2 - Message Headers
4.3 - General Message Header Fields
4.3.1 - Date
4.3.2 - Forwarded
4.3.3 - Message-ID
4.3.4 - MIME-Version
5. - Request
5.1 - Request-Line
5.2 - Method
5.2.1 - GET
5.2.2 - HEAD
5.2.3 - POST
5.2.4 - PUT
5.2.5 - DELETE
5.2.6 - LINK
5.2.7 - UNLINK
5.3 - Request-URI
5.4 - Request Header Fields
5.4.1 - Accept
5.4.2 - Accept-Charset
5.4.3 - Accept-Encoding
5.4.4 - Accept-Language
5.4.5 - Authorization
5.4.6 - From
5.4.7 - If-Modified-Since
5.4.8 - Pragma
5.4.9 - Referer
5.4.10 - User-Agent
6. - Response
6.1 - Status-Line
6.2 - Status Codes and Reason Phrases
6.2.1 - Successful 2xx
200 OK
201 Created
202 Accepted
203 Provisional Information
204 No Content
6.2.2 - Redirection 3xx
300 Multiple Choices
301 Moved Permanently
302 Moved Temporarily
303 Method
304 Not Modified
6.2.3 - Client Error 4xx
400 Bad Request
401 Unauthorized
402 Payment Required
403 Forbidden
404 Not Found
405 Method Not Allowed
406 None Acceptable
407 Proxy Authentication Required
408 Request Timeout
409 Conflict
410 Gone
6.2.4 - Server Errors 5xx
500 Internal Server Error
501 Not Implemented
502 Bad Gateway
503 Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout
6.3 - Response Header Fields
6.3.1 - Public
6.3.2 - Retry-After
6.3.3 - Server
6.3.4 - WWW-Authenticate
7. - Entity
7.1 - Entity Header Fields
7.1.1 - Allow
7.1.2 - Content-Encoding
7.1.3 - Content-Language
7.1.4 - Content-Length
7.1.5 - Content-Transfer-Encoding
7.1.6 - Content-Type
7.1.7 - Derived-From
7.1.8 - Expires
7.1.9 - Last-Modified
7.1.10 - Link
7.1.11 - Location
7.1.12 - Title
7.1.13 - URI
7.1.14 - Version
7.2 - Entity Body
7.2.1 - Type
7.2.2 - Length
8. - Content Parameters
8.1 - Media Types
8.1.1 - Canonicalization and Text Defaults
8.1.2 - Multipart Types
8.2 - Language Tags
8.3 - Character Sets
8.4 - Encoding Mechanisms
8.5 - Transfer Encodings
9. - Content Negotiation
10. - Access Authentication
10.1 - Basic Authentication Scheme
11. - Security Considerations
11.1 - Authentication of Clients
11.2 - Idempotent Methods
11.3 - Abuse of Server Log Information
12. - Acknowledgments
13. - References
14. - Authors' Addresses
A. - Internet Media Type message/http
B. - Minimum Compliance
B.1 - Servers
C. - Tolerant Applications
C.1 - Request-Line, Status-Line, and Header Fields
D. - Relationship to MIME
D.1 - Conversion to Canonical Form
D.1.1 - Representation of Line Breaks
D.1.2 - Default Character Set
D.2 - Default Content-Transfer-Encoding
D.3 - Introduction of Content-Encoding
E. - Example of Version Control

T. Berners-Lee, R. T. Fielding, H. Frystyk Nielsen - 12 MAR 95

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