Hypertext Transfer Protocol - HTTP/1.0
The first step in the negotiation algorithm is for the server to determine whether or not there are any content variants for the requested resource. Content variants may be in the form of multiple preexisting entities or a set of dynamic conversion filters. If there are no variant forms of the resource, the "negotiation" is limited to whether or not that single media type is acceptable under the constraints given by the Accept request header field (if any).
If variants are available, those variants that are completely unacceptable should be removed from consideration first. Unacceptable variants include those with a Content-Encoding not listed in an Accept-Encoding field, those with a character subset (other than the default ISO-8859-1) not listed in an Accept-Charset field, and those with a media type not within any of the media ranges of an explicitly constrained Accept field (or listed with a zero quality parameter).
If no acceptable variants remain at this point, the server should respond with a "406 None Acceptable" response message. If more than one variant remains, and at least one has a Content-Language within those listed by an Accept-Language field, any variants which do not match the language constraint are removed from further consideration.
If multiple choices still remain, the selection is further winnowed by calculating and comparing the relative quality of the available media types. The calculated weights are normalized to a real number in the range 0 through 1, where 0 is the minimum and 1 the maximum value. The following parameters are included in the calculation:
{ if mxb=undefined, then (qs * q) } Q(q,qs,mxb,bs) = { if mxb >= bs, then (qs * q) } { if mxb < bs, then 0 }The variants with a maximal value for the
function represent the preferred representation(s) of the entity. If multiple representations exist for a single media type (as would be the case if they only varied by Content-Encoding), then the smallest representation (lowest bs) is preferred.Finally, there may still be multiple choices available to the user. If so, the server may either choose one (possibly at random) from those available and respond with "200 OK", or it may respond with "300 Multiple Choices" and include an entity describing the choices. In the latter case, the entity should either be of type "text/html' (such that the user can choose from among the choices by following an exact link) or of some type that would allow the user agent to perform the selection automatically (no such type is available at the time of this writing).
The "300 Multiple Choices" response can be given even if the server does not perform any winnowing of the representation choices via the content negotiation algorithm described above. Furthermore, it may include choices that were not considered as part of the negotiation algorithm and resources that may be located at other servers.
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