CALL FOR PAPERS Sixth International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS '98) July 19-24, 1998 Complex Dejardins Hotel, Montreal, Canada Co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society (TCCA, TCSIM) and IFIPS (pending) Workshops: July 19-20 Tutorials: July 20 Symposium: July 21-24 URL: SYMPOSIUM OBJECTIVES In its sixth year, the 1998 International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems (MASCOTS), will take place in Complex Dejardins Hotel, Montreal, Canada on July 20-24, 1998. Established to serve as a forum to all research groups from academia, industry and research labs with interest in system design, modeling, analysis, simulation and performance evaluation, MASCOTS'98 is targeting particularly to the growing overlap and interaction between computing and telecommunications. Prominent guest speakers, both from industry and academia, will present their views on the future of this exciting convergence of cutting-edge technologies and market segments. MASCOTS'98 will include contributed technical papers, keynote speeches, panel discussions, workshops tutorials, tools fair, and an industrial track and commercial exhibits. A series of workshops will be held at the Complex Dejardins Hotel in Montreal, on July 19-20. The symposium will take place also at the Complex Dejardins on July 20-24, starting with a day of tutorials on July 20. For those attending the Workshops and/or the Symposium, a Montreal City-tour and a tour to Quebec City will be planned. WORKSHOPS: Workshops offer the opportunity for in-depth exploration of selected topics. Proposals for workshops to address special topics in the field are encouraged. Separate Workshop proceedings will be published. To organize a workshop, send a proposal by EMAIL to one of the Workshop Co-Chairs by December 12, 1997. Your proposal should be a text file (ASCII) and must include: (1) a short description of the workshop topic and its significance, (2) workshop duration, (3) a list of potential attendees, and (4) names of at least three persons who have agreed to serve in the organizing committee for your specific workshop. TUTORIALS: Proposals are solicited for organizing full or half-day tutorials on current topics. Interested individuals should submit a proposal including lecture outline, description of intended audience, and vita of speaker(s) to the Tutorials Chair by January 30, 1998. TOOLS TRACK: Authors are encouraged to submit a paper describing a tool suitable for online demonstration. There will be separate tools sessions where these tools are to be demonstrated online on a supplied workstation, as compared to theoretical talks of regular papers. The papers describing the tools will undergo the regular review process and will be included in the conference proceedings. Tools accepted for presentation will be demonstrated on a computer system or shown on a video tape. All submissions on tools must contain the details of the necessary equipment. Send description on tools to one of the Tools Fair Co-Chairs by January 30th, 1998. Brief descriptions of selected tools including pictures (max. 4 double spaced pages) will also appear in the proceedings. EXHIBITORS/VENDORS: To maintain the tradition of past MASCOTS, we will have spaces for EXHIBITORS/VENDORS. For more information, contact one of the tools Fair Chairs or the General Co-Chair, Azzedine Boukerche. SYMPOSIUM: Papers are solicited which contain significant novel ideas and research results on both methodological and special case studies, relevant to either or both computer and telecommunication systems. In expanding the traditional and general topics of past MASCOTS, this year's topics include (but are not limited to) telecommunication software, broadband communication systems, wireless communication networks, advanced intelligent networks and SS7, set-top boxes, digital/interactive TV, video-on-demand servers, cable modems/telephony, thin-clients and their servers, as well as computer system architectures, including memory and communication systems, performance models, discrete and numeric simulation, simulation efficiency, monitoring and visualization, system and application tuning, performability modeling, specification and validation. Also of interest are papers addressing the interaction of applications and systems, as well as those which address the commonalities and differences between computer and telecommunications systems. SUBMISSION INFORMATION Send four copies of a full-length paper with 3-5 keywords, not to exceed 20 double-spaced pages, to any Program Co-Chair. Include a cover letter containing your postal address, telephone, fax, and e-mail address for correspondence. IMPORTANT DATES * Paper Submission Deadline: December 5, 1997 * Workshop Proposal Deadline: December 12, 1997 * Tools Proposal Deadline : January 30, 1998 * Tutorials Proposal deadline: January 30, 1998 * Acceptance notification: March 5, 1998 * Camera-ready copy due: April 10, 1998 Updated information may be retrieved from the web using the URL: URL: ORGANIZING COMMITTEE GENERAL CO-CHAIRS Azzedine Boukerche School of Computer Science McGill University 3480 University Street Montreal, CANADA H3A-2A7 Sajal K. Das Department of Computer Sciences University of North Texas P.O. Box 13886 Denton, Texas 76203 USA PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS Philip Wilsey Carey Williamson Computer Architecture Design Laboratory Department of Computer Science Dept. of ECECS, PO Box 210030 University of Saskatchewan, University of Cincinnati 57 Campus Drive Cincinnati, OH 45221-0030, USA Saskatoon, SK. CANADA, S7N 5A9 Phone: (513) 556-4779 Phone: (306) 966-8656 Fax : (513) 556-7326 Fax : (306) 966-4884 WORKSHOPS CO-CHAIRS Sivarama Dandamudi Shikharesh Majumdar School of Computer Science Systems & Computer Eng. Department Carleton University Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario Ottawa, Ontario CANADA CANADA Phone: (613) 520-2600 ext. 4352 Phone:(613) 520-5654 Fax: (613) 520-4334 Fax: (613) 520-5727 TOOLS FAIR CO-CHAIRS Guenter Mamier Peter Wilke IPVR Lehrstuhl fuer Programmiersprachen University of Stuttgart Computer Science Department Breitwiesenstrasse 20-22 Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg, D-70565 Stuttgart Martensstrasse 3, 91058 Erlangen, GERMANY GERMANY TUTORIALS CHAIR Tom Jacob, University of North Texas Department of Computer Science P.O. Box 13886 Denton, Texas 76203, USA FINANCE CHAIR PUBLICITY CO_CHAIRS Carl Tropper, McGill University Albert Zomaya, W. Australia Univ School of Computer Science Rupak Biswas, NASA Ames, USA Montreal, CANADA Robert Ronngren. KTH , SWEDEN LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS/REGISTRATION CHAIR Minou Mansouri, McGill University School of Computer Science Montreal, CANADA STEERING COMMITTEE Dharma Agrawal, North Carolina State Univ Kallol Bagchi, Consultant Giovanni Chiola, University of Genova Doug DeGroot, Texas Instruments Patrick Dowd, University of Maryland Herb Schwetman, Mesquite Inc., USA Kishor Trivedi, Duke University Jean Walrand, Univ of California at Berkeley