ICSE 97 - International Conference on Software Engineering Pulling Together EXCERPT FROM THE CALL FOR PARTICIPATION THE COMPLETE CALL FOR PARTICIPATION IS AVAILABLE ELECTRONICALLY VIA: World Wide Web: http://www.ics.uci.edu/icse97/ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Boston, Massachusetts, USA May 18-23, 1997 Sponsored by ACM Special Interest Group on Software Engineering (SIGSOFT) and IEEE Computer Society - Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE) In cooperation with CEPIS (Council of European Professional Informatics Societies) ============================================================================ Pulling Together: ICSE 97 Boston, Massachusetts, USA May 18-23, 1997 The creation, deployment, evolution, and meaning of software and its role in modern society is changing and expanding as a result of new technologies, new applications, and new social factors. The Internet, the World-Wide-Web, multimedia interfaces, and neighborhood software stores have added new dimensions to traditional issues and topics in software engineering. The International Conference on Software Engineering is changing with the discipline to encompass the new emphases and the broadened sweep of topics and concerns which confront today's software professionals and researchers. The theme of the 1997 International Conference on Software Engineering is "Pulling Together." Pulling together denotes coordinated action of many individuals in achieving a common goal. It also describes the coming together of many different perspectives, concerns, and abilities to find a common ground and a way of achieving cooperation. Pulling together is fundamentally dynamic in nature, and is often a matter of explicit negotiation and communication. Major changes have been instituted in ICSE 97 to help the software engineering community pull together, in the full sense of that phrase. ICSE 97 includes a widened range of conference activities, a widened range of participants, and new technical areas. A broadened outlook challenges old beliefs, promotes new ideas and new synergies, and provides for a dynamic, exciting program. New or expanded conference activities include a doctoral symposium, lessons and reports from software engineering organizations, a mentor program, posters, and a commercial exhibit. A major addition to the conference is a suite of sessions and activities focusing on the interests and needs of the practicing professional. Numerous invited presentations, timely panel topics, experience reports, and an expanded tutorial program are included. As the discipline expands, papers and presentations on topics such as software engineering and the WWW, end-user involvement in software development and customization, usability testing, design for an international marketplace, and intelligent applications are encouraged. We hope that you will pull together with us, bringing new ideas, new concerns, and new goals, thus helping us to find common ground and reach new objectives. Alfonso Fuggetta, Richard N. Taylor, Anthony I. Wasserman ICSE 97 Program Coordinators ============================================================================= ICSE 97 --- INVITATION TO SUBMIT/CHOOSING A SUBMISSION CATEGORY The annual International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) is the leading forum for the exchange of ideas on all aspects of software engineering. ICSE 97 invites you to submit work to share with the ICSE community. Different classes of contributions are sought, ranging from research papers to lessons and status reports from software engineering organizations. The ultimate goal is to build a rich and comprehensive conference program that can fit the interests and needs of different classes of attendees: professionals, researchers, managers, and students. SUBMISSIONS AT A GLANCE: TECHNICAL PROGRAM ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARTICIPATION CATEGORY DEADLINE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Workshops: Discuss focused topic in a small-group setting 15 May 1996 Papers: Report research or practical experiences 2 August 1996 (electronic abstract), 9 August 1996 (full paper due) Panels: Discuss and debate pressing issues 2 August 1996 Tutorials: Teach Software Engineering techniques and theory 2 August 1996 Software Engineering in Organizations: Lessons and Status Reports Summaries of work taking place in institutions, organizations, or groups 2 August 1996 Research Demonstrations: Present demo of research tools 1 November 1996 Doctoral Consortium: Ph.D. students share their work 1 November 1996 Posters: Present late-breaking results and ongoing work 15 February 1997 ========================================================================= For information on topics, submission categories, and program organization contact the program coordinators at the following addresses: Alfonso Fuggetta Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione Politecnico di Milano P.za Leonardo da Vinci, 32 20133 Milano, Italy fuggetta@elet.polimi.it +39-2-2399-3540 +39-2-2399-3411 (fax) http://www.elet.polimi.it/~fuggetta Richard N. Taylor Department of Computer Science University of California, Irvine Irvine, California, 92717-3425 U.S.A. taylor@ics.uci.edu +1-714-824-6429 +1-714-824-4056 (fax) http://www.ics.uci.edu/~taylor Anthony I. Wasserman IDE 595 Market Street, 12th floor San Francisco, California 94105 U.S.A. tonyw@ide.com +1-415-543-0900 +1-415-543-0145 (fax)