CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software E T A P S 98 Lisbon, Portugal March 30 - April 3, 1998 The European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS) is a new annual meeting covering a wide range of topics in Software Science which will take place in Europe each spring in the slot currently occupied by CAAP/ESOP/CC and TAPSOFT. ETAPS is a loose and open confederation of existing and new conferences and other events which aims to become the primary European forum for academic and industrial researchers working on topics relating to Software Science. Five main conferences and four satellite events have been programmed for the 1998 edition of ETAPS. See the call for papers below for the complete list. ETAPS will also include an "Advanced Seminar", consisting of a wide spectrum of talks by invited speakers, which will take place in plenary sessions. The invited speakers for 1998 are: Kent Beck, First Class Software Inc., USA Randy Bryant, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Margaret Burnett, Oregon State University, USA Cliff Jones, Harlequin Ltd, UK Michael Mislove, Tulane University, USA Amir Pnueli, Weizmann Institute, Israel Gert Smolka, University of Saarbruecken, Germany A call for system demos and tutorials is now open as well (see below). CALL FOR PAPERS The call for papers is now open for the five main conferences of ETAPS'98, with a submission deadline of October 6, 1997. See the ETAPS web page ( for more details about the scope and submission instructions of each individual conference. Prospective authors who have no access to WWW should use the e-mail address given for each conference to obtain further information. Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures (FoSSaCS) -------------------------------------------------------------------- The scope of FoSSaCS is syntactic, algebraic, logical and semantic methods for describing, analysing, transforming and verifying programs and systems. The focus is on foundational aspects of such methods rather than on their applications. Topics include: computational and syntactic foundations of Software Science, including basic objects in computation processes, techniques for their manipulation, and their algebraic and logical properties; transition systems and models of concurrency, including calculi, semantics, logics and algorithmic aspects; data structures and types, including algebraic specification, polymorphism, and regular and relational algebras; domain theory and denotational (fixed-point) semantics, including ordered structures, topological domains, domain equations, computable reals and semantics of numerical computations. Programme Committee: M. Nivat (France, chair), A. Arnold (France, vice-chair), W. Thomas (Germany, vice-chair), V. Bruyere (Belgium), Z. Esik (Hungary), J. Gabarro (Spain), N. Klarlund (USA), F. Mignosi (Italy), P. Mosses (Denmark), D. Niwinski (Poland), C. Palamidessi (Italy), A. Podelski (Germany), J. Rutten (Netherlands), H. Seidl (Germany), A. Sernadas (Portugal), C. Stirling (UK) E-mail address: Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering (FASE) ----------------------------------------------------- To enhance software quality, the software production process requires rigorous methods, firmly grounded on scientifically justified techniques. Fundamental approaches are sought, possibly integrating so-called formal and informal aspects, providing the bridge between theory and practice and aimed at producing engineering methods and tools for the various phases of software development. FASE is intended to provide a forum where fundamental approaches are presented, compared and discussed. Contributions are especially welcome on the following topics: methods for the production of provably correct software, its verification and evolution; formal methods and combination of formalisms; integration of informal and formal methods; tools and environments supporting rigorous approaches; case studies of applications of formal and semiformal methods; reports evaluating industrial experiences; rigorous experimental studies of effectiveness and applicability of formal methods; concepts and models for software specification, development, verification and evolution; foundations and frameworks of conceptual models; formal approaches for real-time, concurrent, distributed and object-oriented systems; specification, design and verification of hybrid systems. Programme Committee: E. Astesiano (Italy, chair), M. Bidoit (France), Z. Chao Chen (Macau), D. Craigen (Canada), H. Ehrig (Germany), C. Ghezzi (Italy), H. Hussmann (Germany), C. Jones (UK), T. Maibaum (UK), F. Orejas (Spain), G. Renardel de Lavalette (Netherlands), D. Smith (USA), J. Wing (USA), M. Wirsing (Germany) E-mail address: European Symposium On Programming (ESOP) ---------------------------------------- This conference is devoted to fundamental issues concerning programming languages and systems. Approaches to the specification, analysis and implementation of languages and systems are the main concern; papers should emphasise the soundness and correctness of the approach. Contributions which bridge the gap between theory and practice are particularly welcome. Topics traditionally covered by ESOP include: programming paradigms and their integration (including functional, logic, concurrent and object-oriented); semantics facilitating the formal development and implementation of programming languages and systems; advanced type systems (including polymorphism and subtyping); program analysis (including abstract interpretation and constraint systems); program transformation (including partial evaluation and term rewriting); practical algorithms based on theoretical developments. Programme Committee: C. Hankin (UK, chair), J. de Bakker (Netherlands), L. Cardelli (USA), A. Deutsch (France), R. Giegerich (Germany), R. Glueck (Denmark), R. Gorrieri (Italy), P. Hartel (UK), P. Lee (USA), H.R. Nielson (Denmark), M. Odersky (Germany), A. Pettorossi (Italy), A. Porto (Portugal), D. Sands (Sweden), D. Schmidt (USA) E-mail address: International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC) ------------------------------------------------------ CC is a forum for presentation and discussion of recent developments in language processors and language design, with an emphasis on practical methods and tools. Topics include, but are not restricted to: compilation techniques including parsing, type checking, code generation, and code optimisation; interpretation; language-oriented editing; high-level debugging; integrated programming environments; processing of imperative, object-oriented, concurrent, functional, and logic programming languages; compilation for non-standard architectures; processing of query languages, command languages, and application languages; interaction between language design and implementation. Programme Committee: K. Koskimies (Finland, chair), M. Bartha (Canada), J. Bishop (South Africa), P. Fritzson (Sweden), R. Gupta (USA), T. Gyimothy (Hungary), N. Horspool (Canada), S. Jahnichen (Germany), U. Kastens (Germany), B. Magnusson (Sweden), K. McKinley (USA), G. Riedewald (Germany), W. Waite (USA), D. Watt (UK), R. Wilhelm (Germany) E-mail address: Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Many similar tools and algorithms have been independently developed in various areas of computer science like automata and language theory, verification and synthesis of hardware and software systems, construction and analysis of real time systems, software engineering, type and proof theory, logic and algebra. TACAS is a "community-independent" forum for discussion between the researchers and developers interested in tools. In the focus are basic principles and application-independent features of algorithms and their implementation, with the aim to increase the reliability, flexibility and efficiency of current tools by highlighting common problems, heuristics, data structures, and solutions. In particular, theoretical papers with a clear link to tool construction and tool descriptions and applications with conceptual message are encouraged. As TACAS addresses quite a heterogeneous audience, one of the major selection criteria for papers and tool demonstrations is a widely accessible presentation on a conceptual rather than technical level. This requires authors to think about their techniques in a wider context, which we believe is the key to a wider dissemination of more and more professional tools. Moreover it establishes a significant difference between TACAS contributions and typical publications in the various specialized communities, where a large common basis can be assumed. Regular papers and refereed tool presentations are equally treated: accepted contributions will receive the same space in the conference schedule and in the proceedings. In addition, there will be informal tool demonstrations during the breaks. The topics of the workshop include: Compositional verification and construction techniques; Refinement-based methodologies; Heterogeneous analysis; Theorem-proving and model checking; Analytical techniques for real-time, hybrid, probabilistic, and safety-critical systems; Tool environments and tool architectures; Applications and case studies Programme Committee: B. Steffen (Germany, chair), E. Brinksma (Netherlands), R. Cleaveland (USA), F. Giunchiglia (Italy), S. Graf (France), T. Henzinger (USA), D. Jackson (USA), K. Jensen (Denmark), K. Larsen (Denmark), T. Margaria (Germany), J. Palsberg (Denmark), D. Peled (USA), S. Smolka (USA), F. Vaandrager (Netherlands) E-mail address: For all the above conferences, submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. In particular, simultaneous submission of the same contribution to multiple ETAPS conferences is forbidden. The final paper will be no more than 15 pages in the Springer-Verlag format for Lecture Notes in Computer Science (the series in which the proceedings will be published); see the back cover of a recent volume for details. Submissions need not adhere to that format, but those that are clearly too long may be rejected immediately. E-mail addresses and fax numbers of the authors should also be included. The deadline for submissions is OCTOBER 6, 1997. Authors will be notified of the decision by December 8. Final versions will be due before January 12, 1998. SATELLITE EVENTS Besides the five main conferences, four satellite events have been programmed for the 1998 edition of ETAPS. See the ETAPS web page ( for a more detailed description and the submission instructions of each individual event. Prospective authors who have no access to WWW should use the e-mail address given for each event. International workshop on Advanced Communication Services (ACoS) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Communication networks ranging from classical telephony to intelligent networks and to the internet are going more and more commercial and conquer unexpected aspects of everyone's life. Their new, challenging, and extremely broad role as communication service channels leads to increasingly strong requirements: users expect greater flexibility, more features and yet simpler handling of the new media, of course in combination with extremely high availability, reliability, and security standards, e.g. for round-the-clock on-line banking. The rapid evolution of this market requires faster turn-around times in the definition of value-added services and of their underlying communication solutions. In particular, recent research studies and field trials show that successful uses of communication products will increasingly depend on their personalisation capabilities. This workshop aims at bringing together representatives of the involved parties, spanning several fields of both industry and academia, in order to address the ambitious expectations which, we are convinced, are far beyond the reach of state-of-the-art industrial methods. Organisers: R. Rueckert (Telemedia/Bertelsmann) and B. Steffen (Passau) E-mail address: Workshop on Visualization Issues for Formal Methods (VISUAL) --------------------------------------------------------------- Formal Methods are increasingly needed in industrial practice. The great challenge for the future is to fully integrate the use of formal methods into the development process. Development engineers are unlikely to adopt the mathematical notations underlying formal methods; accordingly, formal methods must be presented and encapsulated in an application-oriented fashion in order to be easily understood and applied by their users. Visualization and user-friendly interfaces are key issues for this. This one-day workshop intends to bring together people from industry and academia to discuss ongoing work in the field with particular focus on the transfer of research results into practical solutions. Conversely, needs arising in concrete application contexts shall be presented to provide feedback to the research arena. The workshop intends to provide a forum for critical discussion for people who are interested in the various technical aspects of formal methods and visualization. Organisers: T. Margaria (Passau) and J. Posegga (Deutsche Telekom) E-mail address: Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science --------------------------------------------------- State-based dynamical systems as found throughout computing science are traditionally described as transition systems or certain kinds of automata. During the last decade, it has become increasingly clear that such systems can be captured uniformly as so-called "coalgebras" (which are the formal dual of algebras). Coalgebra is beginning to develop into a field of its own, with its own proof methods (involving bisimulations and invariants). This workshop will be devoted both to an introduction to basic coalgebraic notions and techniques, and also to some recent advances in the theory of coalgebras. We are looking for participants and contributed talks to this informal workshop on both the theory and the use of coalgebras in computer science. Depending on the reactions, the workshop will consist of one or two days; publication of proceedings of the workshop will be considered. Organisers: B. Jacobs (Nijmegen), H. Reichel (Dresden) and J. Rutten (CWI, Amsterdam) E-mail address: Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT) --------------------------------------------------- The algebraic approach to system specification and development, born as a formal method for abstract data types, encompasses today the formal design of integrated hardware and software systems, new specification frameworks and programming paradigms (such as object oriented, logic and higher-order functional programming) and a wide range of application areas (including information systems, concurrent and distributed systems). This workshop, the 13th in its kind, will provide an opportunity to meet colleagues, to present recent and ongoing work and to discuss new ideas and future trends. Organiser: J. Fiadeiro (Lisbon) E-mail address: CALL FOR DEMOS Demonstrations of tools related to specific topics within the scope of ETAPS and presenting advances on the state of the art are invited. Such tool demonstrations should not be confused with contributions to TACAS, where the emphasis is on application-independent aspects of tools. Tool demonstrations will be presented in devoted conference sessions with projection facilities. Authors of accepted demos will be asked to contribute a short paper to the proceedings of one of the ETAPS main conferences. Submissions should take the form of a description of the tool, of no more than 4 pages in the Springer-Verlag LNCS format, which makes clear its relevance to a specified main conference of ETAPS. At least one screen snapshot should be provided to allow the selection committee to get some impression of the quality of the user interface. A specification of the hardware and software requirements for installing and demonstrating the tool must be provided. Screen snapshots and the hardware/software specification are not included in the page limit unless they constitute part of the description of the tool. Submissions should be sent, preferably electronically (plain text or uuencoded gzipped PostScript), to: Don Sannella ETAPS'98 Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science University of Edinburgh Edinburgh EH9 3JZ Scotland E-mail: The submission deadline is October 6, 1997. CALL FOR TUTORIALS Proposals for half-day or full-day tutorials related to topics within the scope of ETAPS are also invited. Tutorial proposals will be evaluated on the basis of their estimated benefit for prospective participants and on their fit within ETAPS as a whole. Submissions should be in the form of a proposal, no longer than 10 pages, for review purposes. It should include a description of the material that will be covered in the course; a justification of the relevance of the tutorial for ETAPS; a brief history of the tutorial, if it has been given previously; duration (half day or full day) and scope (survey or in-depth) of the course; the key learning objectives for the participants (what specific knowledge each participant is expected to obtain); the intended audience of the tutorial (their specialties and experience level, plus any prior knowledge they will be assumed to have); the background of each instructor. Submissions should be sent, preferably electronically (plain text or uuencoded gzipped PostScript), to: J. Fiadeiro Department of Informatics Faculty of Sciences University of Lisbon Campo Grande 1700 Lisboa Portugal E-mail: The submission deadline is October 6, 1997. THE VENUE ETAPS'98 will be held in Lisbon, Portugal. The chosen venue is the Gulbenkian Foundation, situated in the middle of landscaped gardens, next to a museum with Calouste Gulbenkian's private art collection, a modern art museum, a library, a concert hall and galleries with art exhibitions. In 1998, Lisbon will also host the celebrations of the 5th centenary of Vasco da Gama's arrival in India. A world exhibition (EXPO'98) will be held on the theme "The oceans: a heritage for the future". Although the official starting date of the exhibition is in May, several cultural events have been programmed for the months before. ETAPS participants can be assured of a busy scientific and cultural week! SPONSORSHIP ETAPS'98 is being sponsored by PORTUGAL TELECOM and TAP - AIR PORTUGAL. The support of The University of Lisbon, The European Association for Programming Languages and Systems and The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science is also gratefully acknowledged. The European Symposium On Programming (ESOP) and the International Conference on Compiler Construction (CC) are being organised in cooperation with ACM SIGPLAN. STEERING COMMITTEE D. Sannella (Edinburgh, Chairman), J. Fiadeiro (Lisbon, Organiser of ETAPS'98), A. Arnold (Bordeaux), E. Astesiano (Genova), E. Brinksma (Enschede), P. Degano (Pisa), H. Ehrig (Berlin), M-C. Gaudel (Paris), T. Gyimothy (Szeged), C. Hankin (London), U. Kastens (Paderborn), P. Klint (Amsterdam), K. Koskimies (Tampere), T. Maibaum (London), H. Riis Nielson (Aarhus), F. Orejas (Barcelona), B. Steffen (Passau), W. Thomas (Kiel)