
Call for Papers Database

[ Introduction | Research areas | Update | Related links ]


This is the home page of the Software Engineering Laboratory's Call for Papers (CFP) Database. In this database, you may find information about calls for papers, mainly announcements for conferences and other events, but also special issues of periodicals etc. The thematology covers various research areas in which our laboratory is interested.

The database is organized in the first level with respect to CFP research areas (subjects). In the second level, CFPs are ordered by increasing date of their deadline: earlier calls are shown first. If the deadline of a call has passed, the call is placed in the list of expired CFPs. Furthermore, if the date of the event related to the CFP has passed, the call is placed in the list of outdated CFPs. Otherwise, the CFP is considered to be active.

Research areas

o Compilers.
o Education.
o Human Computer Interaction.
o Intelligent Software Agents.
o Multimedia Applications.
o Object-Oriented Programming.
o Open and Distance Learning.
o Programming Language Semantics.
o Programming Languages.
o Software Engineering.
o Various other subjects.

o All research areas.
o New entries.

Could you help us update?

We would appreciate if you could help us update our database. If you know of a call for papers that matches the research areas in which we are interested, please contact us. Make sure that you send us enough information, specifically:

- the title of the event
- the deadline for the call
- the subject of the call
- the place and date of the event (optionally)
- the URL in which more information can be sought (optionally)

It is better if you just send us the announcement of the call, which typically contains all relevant information.

Related links

o The Computer Events Directory.
o The Computer Events Directory: list by date.
o WWW Virtual Library: Conferences, Computer Science.
o Conference Announcement Archive, Fraunhofer.
o Conference Anouncements, Internic.
o Conference Information Index.
o Conference resources.
o Principles of Programming Conferences.

At work!
This page is maintained by Nikos Papaspyrou (nickie@softlab.ntua.gr).
Many thanks to Antonis Kavarnos (akav@softlab.ntua.gr).
Please, feel free to send your comments, thoughts or suggestions.

Last updated: Wednesday April 5 100, 16:46 EET.