148) What is IMUG and how do I join it?

Answer: IMUG is the International Motif User Group founded by Quest Windows
Corporation and co-sponsored by FedUNIX.  IMUG is a non-profit organization
working to keep users informed on technical and standards issues, to
strengthen user groups on a local level, to increase communication among users
internationally, and to promote the use of an international conference as a
forum for sharing and learning more about Motif.  You can join it by

 1.  Pay the annual membership fee of $20 USD directly to IMUG.  Contact

     5200 Great America Parkway
     Santa Clara,  CA  95054
     (408) 496-1900

 2.  Register at the International Motif User Conference, and automatically
     become an IMUG member.

 3.  Donate a pd widget, widget tool or widget builder to the IMUG Widget
     Depository and receive a free one year IMUG membership.
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