Q12a: How can you make a chaotic oscillator? A12a: Two references are: 1. T. S. Parker and L. O. Chua, Chaos: a tutorial for engineers, _Proceedings IEEE_ 75 (1987), pp. 982-1008. 2. _New Scientist_, June 30, 1990, p. 37. Q12b: What are laboratory demonstrations of chaos? A12b: Two references are: 1. K. Briggs, Simple Experiments in Chaotic Dynamics, _American Journal of Physics_ 55, 12 (Dec 1987), pp. 1083-1089. 2. J. L. Snider, Simple Demonstration of Coupled Oscillations, _American Journal of Physics_ 56, 3 (Mar 1988), p. 200.Go Back Up