Internet Section
Documents and guides about the Internet.
EFF's (Extended) Guide to the Internet
This is a local copy of the famous "EFF's Guide to the Internet" (former "Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet"). It
contains a full description (and links) to all known services of the Internet.
All you want to know about Internet is here!
"EFF's Guide to the Internet" (version 2.3) is also available in
dvi and
postscript format and also as an
HTML tar.gz archive for local use.
Zen and the Art of the Internet
This guide is similar to the previous one. It was converted to HTML from texinfo
format using the texi2html utility.
Zen is also available in
texinfo and
postscript format.
The Hacker Crackdown
Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier, or snooping around
the network.
"The Hacker Crackdown" is also available in
dvi and
postscript format and also as an
HTML tar.gz archive for local use.
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet
This is an older document (25 August 1987) describing the Internet in a more sophisticated way.
"The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet" is also available in
text format and
HTML tar.gz archive for local use.
"At the wake of the Cyberspace: VR, Internet and Information Highways"
by Moses A. Boudourides (,
an article (written in Greek) about the new
electronic frontier of the cyberspace from the experience of the virtual
worlds until the global computer network, the Internet, and the
information superhighways. Available also in
compressed (.Z) format.