W3 servers

This is a list of registered WWW servers alphabetically by continent country and state. ( About this list )

New: A summary of the list is available

See also: data available by other protocols , data by subject , how to make a new server , test servers , automatically collected list of Home Pages, What's New, and the clickable world map . If servers are marked "experimental", you should not expect anything. Please see how to send announcements of new servers (or modify your server's description).


South Africa

EMILY (Electronic Membrane-Information Library)
EMILY was conceived to become the electronic repository of information on membranes and membrane processes. Essentially an ftp site, it now has limited WWW capabilities. EMILY is maintained by Quentin Hurt (hurtq@aqua.ccwr.ac.za) as part of a Water Research Commission project.
Rhodes University
Rhodes-specific information, as well as information relating to networking in Southern Africa. There is also a link to the ZA news hierarchy. This is *not* officially mandated information.

Central America

Costa Rica

Costa Rica's Research Network
It's experimental but representative for CRNet


(see a sensitive map)
Commercial Internet service provider in Europe. Includes links to national EUnet Web servers and various other information sources
The European X User Group
The collaboration between the national research networks in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. (see conference and map)



(see a sensitive map)
Information about the resources found on BELNET, the Belgian National Research Network
Free University of Brussels Applied Sciences Faculty
A server for local information related to the Applied Sciences Faculty and the VUB in general.
Free University of Brussels Principia Cybernetica Project
We want to integrate the whole of human knowledge in a simple, universal and easy-to-use framework.
Free University of Brussels Info-Groep
Info-Groep support group's WWW-server at Brussels Free University.
Service for Telematic and Communication (Service Telematique et Communication)
Brussels University


(see a sensitive map)
University of Zagreb:

Czech Republic

Institute of Physics (Division of Elementary Particle Physics), Academy of Sciences, Prague.


See Danish Information servers accessible via WWW, Gopher or telnet
Aalborg University
AUC campus wide information system.
The Computer Science Department of Aarhus University.
Damgaard International A/S
A commercial software house, developing and marketing several different applications for business administration purposes.
Information about the resources found on DENet, the Danish Network for Research and Education.
Denmark's Technical Library
The DTB information service includes the ALIS library database.
The Danish part of EUnet.
Department of Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark.
MI - Institute of Mathematics, University of Aarhus
Information about and specific to the Institute of Mathematics.


Estonian Research and Education network
Tartu University Library



Other research and educational entities

Corporate life


(see also a sensitive map)
Centre Charles Hermite - Centre Lorrain de Compétence en Modélisation et Calcul à Hautes Performances - Nancy
Centre de Calcul de Saint-Jerome - Marseille
Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg
Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne, Athis-Mons
Centre d'Études de la Navigation Aérienne, Toulouse
Centre d'Études et de Recherches de Toulouse
Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Grenoble
Centre Interuniversitaire de Calcul de Toulouse
Centre Interuniversitaire de traitement de l'Information - université René Descartes - Paris
Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement - Montpellier
Centre Inter-universitaire de Ressources Informatiques de Lorraine
Centre International de Rencontres Mathematiques de Marseille
Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers.
C.R. Aquitaine
Conseil Régional d'Aquitaine - Bordeaux
Présentation des services du Centre National Universitaire Sud de Calcul - Montpellier
Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille
Centre de Physique Théorique, Marseille
CRI Rennes 1
Centre de Ressources Informatiques de l'université de Rennes1 (prototype).
Centre de Ressources Informatiques de Haute Normandie
D.E.S.S. de Génie Logiciel - UFR de Mathématiques-Informatique, université Bordeaux 1
École pour les Études et la Recherche en Informatique et Électronique - Nimes
E.M. Nancy
École des Mines de Nancy
École Nationale Supérieure de Cachan
École Normale Supérieure de Paris
École National Supérieure d'Électrotechnique, d'Électronique, d'Informatique et d'Hydraulique de Toulouse
École Nationale Supérieure d'Électronique et de Radioélectricité de Bordeaux
Laboratoire de Physique Théorique de l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris
École Nationale Supérieure de Télécommunications de Bretagne, Brest
École Superieure d'Ingénieurs en Informatique, Marseille
École Supérieure en Sciences Informatiques - Sophia-Antipolis
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble
École d'Architecture de Marseille-Luminy
Groupement De Recherche 1000, Biologie Structurale et Microbiologie, Marseille
Centre de Recherche sur le Génome Humain - Evry
Institut de la Communication Parlée, Grenoble
Institut d'Études Politiques - Lyon
Institut de Géodynamique de l'université de Bordeaux 3
Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules, Lyon
Institut National de Recherche Agronomique
Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et Automatique
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse
Institut National des Télécommunications
Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon
Institut Supérieur d'Informatique et d'Automatique, Nice
Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
Laboratoire de Cristallographie et de Physique Cristalline, Bordeaux
L.I. Bordeaux I
Licence d'Informatique de l'université Bordeaux I
CRIN + INRIA Lorraine - Nancy
Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris Sud
Laboratoire Système de Perception, Arcueil
M.I. Bordeaux 1
Maîtrise d'Informatique, université Bordeaux 1
Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble
Oléane -- Groupe Apysoft (opérateur de services d'accès à l'Internet)
Pôle Bioinformatique de Villejuif
Ce serveur regroupe un ensemble de bases de données de biologie moléculaire et de génome ainsi que des programmes d'analyses
Association RESUS, université de Luminy, Marseille
École Supérieure d'Électricité, Gif
École Supérieure d'Électricité, Metz
École Supérieure d'Électricité, Rennes
Univ. Bordeaux I
Université Bordeaux I
Univ. Lumière
Université Lumière - Lyon 2
Univ. Montaigne
Université Michel de Montaigne - Bordeaux 3
Univ. Jean Monnet
Université Jean Monnet - Saint-Etienne
Univ. Rabelais
Université François Rabelais - Tours
Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis
Université de Pau
Biométrie, Génétique et Biologie des Populations, Lyon
Unité REsaux du CNRS



FOundation for Research and Technology - Hellas. An experimental service offered by FORTHnet. Offers information on Internetworking and other activities with which FORTH is involved. Provides information from FORTH considered of interest and relevence to the Internet community mainly in Greece. (Information is intended to be representative of our organization)


(see sensitive map)
Technical University of Budapest, Process Control Department
Agricultural Biotechnology Center, Godollo


(see sensitive map)
Broadcom Eireann Research Ltd.
Information on the various projects Broadcom is involved in. Other Information.
Irish Literature archive
Dublin City University
Information on the School of Computer Applications and the Centre for Software Engineering
IONA Technologies Ltd.
info about their Object Request Broker software product and some bits and pieces of Irish news.
Not much information yet. Links to HEANET FTP and Gopher services.
Networking Information regarding Ireland, and Links to the rest of Europe.
Ireland Online
A GNN Mirror site.
Trinity College Dublin
University College Cork
Campus Information. Academic Information.
University College Galway (James Hardiman Library)
Under development. Some Library Information.
University College Dublin
Information about University College Dublin. Under construction, this server aims to provide general information about UCD, information about faculties and courses, and information about projects which various departments are undertaking.
University of Limerick
Information on Natural Language Processing and some research projects in the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems. Also a list of WWW research information.


CITBB - Center for Biomedical and Biophysical Technologies, University of Genoa
Databases and free software related to Biophysical research (PDB, rendering of proteins), links to related info-server.
CNR - ARM Italian National Research Council - Milan Research Area
This is the main WWW server of CNR in Milan. It provide information about the Institute and research Centre of CNR in Milan. Also you can find a map of NIR tools (Gopher and WWW) in Italy
software produced by National Research Council's Project "Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Parallelo"; software and documentation produced by SASIAM/Tecnopolis. (*not* officially mandated nor representative)
CRS4: Centre for Advanced Studies Research and Development in Sardinia (Cagliari, Italy). It's an interdisciplinary research centre developing advanced simulation techniques and applying them, by means of high performance computers, to the solution of large scale computational problems in various fields
Centro Supercalcolo Piemonte (Piedmont Supercomputing Center), located in Turin.
International Centre for Theoretical Physics
ELETTRA Trieste home page
It provides a description of the facility, a description of the town, the current schedule, the phone book, hyperlinks to other HEP facilities.
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics) Top-Level Server. The information in the server and the server itself is officially mandated by INFN
INFN (Sezione di Trieste)
National Institute for Nuclear Physics, in Trieste - experimental server
NRC Research Area of Florence
National Research Council: Research area documents about activity and NRC institutes of Florence. Especially regarding physics, biology, remote-sensing, informatics legal, agriculture and chemicals matters.
Astronomical Observatory of Trieste
Full description of the activities carried out by SASIAM, school for advanced studies in industrial and applied mathematics. Access to parallel programs developed by National Research Council's Project "Sistemi Informatici e Calcolo Paralello ", subprg. 1 . (the information is representative of SASIAM)
Oss. Astronomico
This Server provide information about Astronomical Researches and local Astronomical Museum.
Osservatorio di Arcetri
This is the home page of the Arcetri's Astronomical Observatory. You'll find here general information on the Observatory (including traveller's info) and a survey of our activities.
Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati - Trieste. This is an experimental http server for the physics e-print archives on babbage.
University of Bologna Library Center
It should reach full operative status in a few months, featuring gateways to the Hytelnet database and to the local cataloging and text retrieval systems. (experimental in nov 93)
Universita' degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II", Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche AND INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Sezione di Napoli
institutions officially represented by the server
University of Parma
There are some pieces of information about the town, about the University and about scientici activiy in Physics and Engineering (for the time being). In the near future we shall host a virtual museum about XXth Century in Italy (life and arts) and a modern music presentation by "Ensemble Var\`ese".
The University of Pisa, Radiology Department WWW server
It is located at the Radiology Department of the University of Pisa. It contains a large collection of diagnostic images (RM, TC, X-ray, echo, etc), together with documentation about them, plus some interactive services. It will be in continuous evolution.
Univ. Pisa
Also see physics department and Department of Computer Science servers.


CAOS/CAMM Center, the Dutch National Expertise Center for Computer Aided Chemistry and BioInformatics
The CAOS/CAMM WWW-server provides an overview of the available online services (software & databases), network services, courses, hardware and personel. (Mandated by the CAOS/CAMM)
Center for Mathematics and Computer Science, Amsterdam.
Eindhoven Univ. of Technology
Eindhoven Technical University. Specific servers for Math and Comp. Sci, Elec. Eng Design Automation, Electrical circuits.
The Dutch High-Energy Physics center. (Replaces nic.nikhef.nl server)
Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut (nuclear physics accelerator institute), Groningen, Netherlands. VMS server.
European IP group.
The TRESE Project
at the SETI Group of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Twente in the Netherlands.
TU Delft"
Delft University of Technology. (Experimental)


Ananse International Trade Law
International Trade Law. We also provide local information on the Law Faculty of the University of Tromsoe. What we intend to do. (under construction in dec 93).
BIBSYS is a shared library database for Norwegian Universities and other research libraries, and the National Library.
Department of Informatics, University of Bergen
Official server for the department and Para//ab.
University of Oslo
Official server for the University of Oslo.
University of Bergen
Official server for the University of Bergen.
University of Trondheim
Official server for the University of Trondheim.
The Ludvigsen Residence
Even though there is good reason to believe that great efforts will be made at creating lucrative markets for variations on arcade games and similar forms of entertainment, the fear should not be that vast sections of the public will inevitably become vegetables.
Oslonett, Inc.
The WWW server has some company information, but is for most devoted to meta-resources and pointers to Internet based information around the world. The server is an official distribution for the HTML version of Big Dummys Guide to The Internet. The information is officially mandated
The SINTEF Group
Official server for the Foundation for Scientific and Industrial Research at the Norwegian Institute of Technology. It contains information about SINTEF's organizational units, and their topics of research: mainly technology, but also natural sciences, medicine, and the social sciences.
University of Tromsoe
The nothernmost university of the world!
Oppland College
Norway, Oppland County
Official server for Oppland College, Lillehammer. Information on this server is officially mandated and it offers basic information about the school, the curriculum, the people and some of the special projects here.
Keywords: multimedia, media, social sciences, management, politics.



INESC (Instituto Nacional de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores)
Grupo de Sistemas de Informação

Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil

Universidade de Coimbra

Universidade de Lisboa
Faculdade de Ciências

Universidade do Minho.
CWIS - Campus-Wide Information System

The Departamento de Informática (Computer Science Department) provides information about the department, research projects, undergraduate and graduate courses, seminars, and other stuff.

Centro de Informática

Universidade Nova de Lisboa
The WWW service of the Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia contains a lot of internal information about FCT-UNL, such as: General informations, bibliographic references, Phone book service, Photos of the campus, etc. (ref. on http://www.fct.unl.pt/Here.html)

The WWW service of Departemento de Informatica - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia is maintaned in cooperation with our gopher service. It is an experimental service that maintais some internal information of DI/FCT/UNL, and some other references.

Universidade do Porto
W3 Server


Moscow State University
The server provides information on the Lomonosov Moscow State University, starting points to other WWW servers in the university, software archive etc.
Physics Department of Moscow State University (MSU) WWW server
Server provides information about Physics Department of Moscow State University , links to other W3 servers at MSU, popular Internet sites in Russia.
Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State
University Home page contains information about the institute, its scientific research activity and experiments conducted by the institute.
Window-to-Russia (TM) is a Moscow-based project by Relcom Corporation, initiated to give the worldwide network community the means of WWW access to the variety of information resources from and about Russia.



J. Stefan Institute - Ljubljana
Information about the J. Stefan Institute (departments, contacts, scientific papers, ...)
Univ. of Ljubljana, Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy
Site under construction; TBA: Civil Engineering and Architectural Topics, Computer Integrated Construction (CIC) Resources, locally written papers, student projects, pointers to civ.eng. and architectural internet sites.
University of Maribor
Information about the University of Maribor (faculties, institutes, curriculae and research programmes, contacts, ...)


Centro de Cálculo Científico de la Universidad de Córdoba. University of Cordoba (UCO).
General information about the city of Cordoba (tourism, History, culture, society, etc). Access to X.500 (important for us) and other Internet services. Publications and scientific papers from this University. In short there will be the 'Guide to The University of Cordoba'. Lists software installed in this Center for Scientific Computing. The information is officially mandated and representative of the University of Cordoba.
Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU), Campus de Gipuzkoa. Facultad de Informática de San Sebastián.
Acceso al Gopher de la Universidad del Pais Vasco. Acceso a los servidores de ficheros ftp-anonymous del Campus de Gipuzkoa y de Lejona (Bizkaia). Obtencion de informacion acerca de los proyectos en desarrollo dentro de la Facultad de Informática de San Sebastián. Informacion en general acerca de la UPV/EHU. Includes not officially mandated information about the University. Experimental in March 94.
University of Zaragoza. Dpto. de Física Teórica.
Goya Servicios Telemáticos. Goya/EUnet Spain.
Fundacion para el Desarrollo de la Funcion Social de las Comunicaciones. Contains IT related documentation.
University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. GIAS Group WWW Server.
This Server at "Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria" contains information related to G.I.A.S. Group. Also includes not officially mandated information about the University. Experimental in March 94.
Universitat Jaume I. Department of Education.
The Department of Education of the Universitat Jaume I, Castello. (Spain). Exprimental in Sep 93.
Dpto. de Física Moderna de la Universidad de Cantabria (UNICAN). Department of Modern Physics (UNICAN).
Information about topics of interest for our Department. Guided access pages to other WWW-servers of interest. Information about the www-servers in Spain. Information searching services. Local page for access to Medical and Biosciences services. Miscellaneous info, as the first available 'Dogs W3 server' on the Web: includes Spanish Breeds promotion. The information is officially mandated and representative of our Department.


Chalmers Univ of Technology
Pointers to other servers at Chalmers and to the Round Table project, most information is in swedish.
Linköping University's Lysator
Science fiction archives, MUDs, etc etc
Swedish Universities Network information center. Provisional, some pointers to Swedish stuff.
Lulea University
LUDD (Lulea Academic Computer Society) has an automatic FAQ-hierarchy , and an archie interface to the local archie.luth.se service. (Experimental)
Faculty of Arts, Gothenburg University
The purpose of this server is to provide information within the Humanities.
The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. See also their Department of Teleinformatics
University of Lund
Lund University Electronic Library
Computer society at Uppsala University with a quest to collect computer history
The X-Ray Server
This server is dedicated to providing information of interest to the XUV and X-ray spectroscopic community. It currently makes available a database of atomic scattering factors and a biblio- graphy and database of molecular core-edge excitation spectra.



CERN news
Various groups, some more active than others - see the full list
CERN computing documents
A keyword index.
ASIS Software Repository
A server for public domain and CERN software for distribution to CERN members only. The documentation is public.
CA Detector Design
Computer Aideed Detector Design support
CERN general information
W3 support for withing CERN and info about CERN, and W3 fledglings.
The DELPHI Experiment
DELPHI (DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification) is one of the 4 big LEP experiments
RD13 documentation
Documents for the RD13 group
Hytelnet gateway
Server for Peter Scott's "hytelnet" databse of telnet sites
SCI project
Scalable Coherent Interconnect development. Under construction in June 93.
TechInfo gateway
Several CWISs available through this.
Software Technology
Information from STING organised by Mike Sendall.
The VMS help tree on node vxcrna.cern.ch .
WorldWideWeb support
information about W3 itself, CERN entry point, and web overviews.


University of Geneva
Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule, Zurich, Switzerland
Entry point to ETHZ's growing web, ETHZ Phone Book and Email directory, ETHZ Main Library access. (Official)
European Crystallography Committee
crystallography information
Official WWW server for EUnet Switzerland
European Molecular Biology Network information
is the entry point to a commonwealth of information on EMBnet, the European Molecular Biology Network, its services and projects, its history and members. See also EMBnet Switzerland.
LESO-PB: Laboratoire d'Énergie Solaire et de Physique du Bâtiment (Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory)
Various information about our research activities and the software we are developing and distributing.
Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes Internationales - The Graduate Institute of International Studies
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Entry point to the growing web at the University of Zurich. Site-related information and services provided by Departments of the University.
Univ Zuerich Institut fuer Informatik
World Health Organization (experimental in feb 94)
The WWW Server of the Institute for Informatics and Applied Mathematics (IAM) of the University of Berne
Provides information about the institute, the departments of the insitute, persons, projects .... (most of the information is in german)


United Kingdom

(see also a sensitive map, and a country guide to the UK)
Anglia Polytechnic University.
ULTRALAB an experimental server of ULTRALAB software and information; general interest stuff; experimental areas. ULTRALAB is a learning technology research centre, so the server will be of particular interest to everyone in the learning/teacher training/educational software fields.
Apollo Advertising .
A commercial server holding advertisers WWW documents.
University of Bath .
General information about the University of Bath. (Still under development.)
This is the BBC Networking Club WWW server.
Bulletin Board for Libraries (BUBL) Information Service
Including BUBL's Academic Information Service , Library and Information Science on BUBL and the GALLERY - a long (unsorted) list of interesting web links.
Birkbeck College, University of London.
The University of Birmingham.
Brunel University.
University of Cambridge.
City University.
The City University, London. Contains links to other services and maps of the area and the campus.
CityScape Internet Services Ltd.
Guides to CityScape products, their headquarters and their newletter. Also their pub guide for Cambridge.
Cranfield University.
University Postgraduate prospectus, Research Directory, and local information on computing services.
Daresbury Laboratory.
Based near Warrington in north west England. It provides research facilities for academic and industrial users from the UK and other countries. These include:
Durham University.
Department of Mathematical Sciences . Information and links of general interest to Mathematicians / Theoretical Physicists / Statisticians.
University of Exeter.
The Department of Computer Science has research papers, postgraduate study details and personnel information.
University of East Anglia.
Edinburgh University .
Frontline Distribution Ltd .
Frontline are one of the UK's largest TRADE distributors of computer hardware, software and services to the UK's computer reseller community.
The HEPDATA High-Energy Physics database of published numerical results organised by Mike Whalley.
Heriot-Watt University.
Institute for Computer-Based Learning includes a description of ICBL and its projects . Also available is access to information being provided as a Telework Tele-Training Trial .
University of Hull.
New (Jan 94) server.
Hillside Systems & Berkeley Software Design International (Europe) Ltd.
The server at Hillside has technical information and a European order form for the BSD/386 UNIX-like operating system for 386, 486 and Pentium PC's. BSD/386 hypertext manual pages and a current patch set for BSD/386 V1.1 are also available. You can use anonymous FTP to get the data too. You will find a full list of titles for Peter Collinson's SunExpert and EXE articles.
Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, Accounting Information Service.
The "Summa" Project. This is the site of a World Wide Web information server for Accounting Academics, students and professionals. The service is funded by a grant from the Research Committee of the ICAEW. It is at present sited at the University of Exeter, Devon, UK. The Director of the project is Mr. Barry J.Spaul.
Imperial College, University of London.
University of Kent at Canterbury .
Kings College, London.
Image Processing Group in the Department of Physics .
Kingston Universtity.
This is a new, experimental, service.
Leeds University.
Loughborgh University.
High Performance Networks and Distributed Systems archive.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ's) and other assorted material related to supporting Apple Macintoshes.
Mailbase is the national electronic mailing list service for the UK academic and research community. It runs over 500 lists on a wide range of subjects with over 40,000 subscribers. The Mailbase WWW allows access to the archives and memberships of the public lists on the system.
University of Manchester.
University of Newcastle.
A server for NEXUS, the UK network of student physics societies.
Includes full hypertext archie gateways .
University of Nottingham.
Communications Research Group : Information on the Department of Computer Science and the Communications Research Group. Also includes an archie gateway, and UK independent music scene information base.
University of Oxford.
The Public IP Exchange.
Rutherford Lab.
The Rutherford Appleton Lab, UK. Admin: www-master@letterbox.rl.ac.uk.
An information source of the UK SuperJANET project. (under construction in Oct 93)
The University of Sheffield :
is pleased to announce a WWW server based at its Academic Computing Services. Currently there is information from:
University of Southampton.
University of St Andrews, Scotland.
The FIDE Project is part of a multi-site ESPRIT funded project on database programming languages. This site provides information about project members and access to a number of papers about persistence and the database programming languages PS-algol and Napier88.
University of Strathclyde.
This is run by the Computer Centre. Lists courses offered by the Centre, centrally managed clusters and contains links to other WWW servers on campus.
University of Sunderland.
Experimental in August 93.
University of Surrey.
The Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering . Contains information about the department and its reseach. Also EDUPAGE and Science Fiction TV series Guides .
University of Sussex.
School of Cognitive and Computing Sciences This is a general information server about COGS. There is access to the anonymous FTP site giving access to COGS research papers. Also an index of the School's research papers , a calendar of Seminars and other events at the School a gallery depicting members of the School.
University of Wales, College of Cardiff.
Department of Computing Mathematics (COMMA)
University of Ulster.
Faculty of Informatics : This server provides information on the staff and research interests of the Informatics Staff of the Faculty of Informatics at Coleraine. This information is officially mandated and is representative of our organisation.
Warwick University.
UKOLN - The Office for Library and Information Networking.
Links to various library related services.
University College, London.
Department of Computer Science including info on MICE (Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers) and the MBONE (Multicast backBONE). Also see our guide to the UK.
University of Wolverhampton
School of Computing and Information Technology with information about the School, user information and acces to their public archive.

North America



British Columbia / Colombie Britannique:


New / Nouveau Brunswick:

Newfoundland / Terre-Neuve:

Nova Scotia / Nouvelle-Ecosse:

Ontario (Eastern / Est):

Ontario (Southern / Sud):

Prince Edward Island / Ile du Prince Edouard:



Northwest Territories / Territoires du Nord-Ouest:


Oversea Locations / Sites outre-mer:


(see also a sensitive map)
Universidad de las Americas
Located in central Mexico, it provides information about our university. It includes some electronic publications, academic staff lists, student information and more. Also, links to other servers in Mexico are available.

Universidad de Guadalajara
Provides oficial information about our University: history, academic information, and general features. Our server also containts information about our country: art, culture and folklore. Also are available links to servers in Mexico and other interesting home pages.

ITESM Campus Monterrey
This Mosaic Server provides information about the ITESM University, Campus Monterrey. It includes news about ITESM Computer Services, information about the ITESM Monterrey Campus Information Center-Library, electronics publications and student information. Also, links to other servers in Mexico and U.S.A.

Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon
It provides general information about the Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon and direct access to the institution's gopher. The University's BBS and turistic information about the Nuevo Leon state will be available soon.

United States of America

(see Federal government servers)


Alabama Supercomputer Network


CCIT Arizona
University of Arizona information
National Optical Astronomy Observatories (experimental in sep 93)
The RTD Web Server
Contains information on local access provider services as well as the home pages for several businesses advertising through RTD. This is the official server for RTD Systems & Networking, Inc.


College of Business WWW Server at the University of Central Arkansas
The server maintains information for the undergarduate business program as well as information about the mba program at our college. We are also promoting publications, articles, electronic text books, by the faculty of business through this server. Other information maintained by the business server is international student application procedure etc.


Association of Bay Area Governments
The ATM Forum
Beckemeyer Development, Oakland.
Berkeley Software Design, Inc.
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.
Digital Equipment Corporation
Enterprise Integration Technologies
Environmental Scorecard
The Exploratorium
Farallon Computing, Inc., Alameda.
Global Network Navigator
Global Village Communication, Mountain View.
The Human Factor, Santa Cruz.
Hyperion, Mountain View.
Internet Computer Index
Internet Distribution Services
La Jolla Cancer Research Foundation
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Lumina Decision Systems, Inc.
McDonnell Douglas Aerospace, Long Beach.
Mother Jones
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme.
Nine Lives Quality Consignment Clothing
O'Reilly Associates, Publisher.
City of Palo Alto
Planet Earth
San Francisco State University
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
Santa Rosa Junior College, Journalism Department
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
SRI International
Stanford University
University of California
Xerox Palo Alto Research Center


Space Environment Laboratory, NOAA
SEL provides near real-time monitoring and forecasting of the environment between the sun and the earth. Our server features current solar imagery, xray plots from GOES satellites, and forecast of solar-terrestrial conditions.
The Astrophysics Data System
ADS is a NASA-sponsored program which offers a novel approach to dealing with huge quantities of geographically distributed and heterogeneous data from a broad range of astrophysics missions.
Ellery Systems, Inc.
Contains information both about our company and our distributed computing projects.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
NREL's server provides information about the laboratory and its research. You can access information on renewable energy research, development, and applications; accumulated energy data and resource maps; publications; business and job opportunities; and links and directions to other energy resources.
The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), is an NSF-funded supercomputing center and a member of the National Conortia for High Performance Computing.
The National Geophysical Data Center
WWW, Gopher, and Anonymous-FTP services providing data, meta-data, information in solid earth geophysics, marine geology/geophysics, solar- terrestrial physics, paleoclimatology, and glaciology.
University of Colorado at Boulder
You can (soon) find out a lot of what's going on at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the surrounding community.
XOR Network Engineering
a company that provices a full range of network engineering and system support services.


Bristol Technology Inc.
Bristol offers software products for developers.
Central Connecticut State University Library WWW Server
Provides information on Connecticut Internet Resources, local campus information, and Conn. State University documents. Officially recognized and supported by the University.
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Wesleyan University
personal information on students and faculty, papers and projects, local happenings, and general info of interest to the mathematical and CS communities.
PC Lube and Tune
Tutorials and articles on PC hardware, communications, networks, and operating systems. The objective is to use Web technology to introduce or document more complicated PC topics to the ordinary users of the Internet. This is not an official project of Yale university.
Spirit of UConn
Library resources with various CDROM archives and GIS/Census database. Home of ArchNet, an archaeological resource focusing on Northeastern United States archaeology
Trinity College
There are many things on this server, most notable of which is the Trincoll Journal - a multimeda magazine.
United Technologies Research Center
The UTRC WWW server provides published papers, job postings, and information about United Technologies Research Center.
University of Connecticut Health Center
Center for Neuroscience, Farmington, Connecticut, USA.
Yale University
Primarily the departments of Computer Science, Math, Psychology, the "Zoo" (an undergraduate computing lab), Parallel Supercomputing, and Applied and Theoretical Neurosciences. Here is the local Home Page.


University of Delaware EE/CIS joint computer network
Welcome to the University of Delaware EE/CIS joint computer lab WWW server.
University of Delaware Department of Mathematical Sciences
Welcome to the Department of Mathematical Sciences WWW server. Here we provide information about our department and graduate program. Some research papers and computer based teaching material are also available.

District of Columbia

U.S. Naval Research Laboratory
Connection Machine Facility at the Naval Research Laboratory.

National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
The NODC is one of the environmental data centers operated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NODC provides ocean data management and ocean data services to researchers and other users in the United States and around the world.

U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)
OERI is pleased to announce a new Internet World Wide Web (WWW) server, which provides public access to education research, statistics, and information about the U.S. Department of Education and its programs.

Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti WWW
The Venable law firm maintains an authorized WWW server that provides informtion on the firm's legal services and topical legal materials, particularly issues of concern to electronic information providers.


Harris Corporate Headquarters
An experimental server that contains pointers to other Harris resources, some local current events resources, and some recreational pages.
Offers Racal-Datacom product information and announcements, some good WWW Data Communications / Networking links and files, and some good Internet Navigation links.


Computone Corporation
Manufacturer of data communications hardware and software. Current product data sheets, software release notes, and update drivers are on-line.
COSMIC Information Services:
NASA's COmputer Software Management and Information Center has been located at the University of Georgia since 1966. Software originally developed for the U.S. space program is available. Areas of interest include: artificial intelligence, computational fluid dynamics, finite element structural analysis, scientific visualization, thermal and fluid flow analysis, and many more. Programs are priced on a cost-recovery basis and usually include source code. U.S. educational institutions are eligible for a substantial discount.
Emory University
Information on the University, including libraries, schools, and departments, added in time. Academic services, such as electronic education, plus local services.
Georgia Institute of Technology Graphics, Visualization, & Usability Center
Within our database are text, movies, and images on Animation, Image Understanding, Medical Informatics, Scientific Visualization, Software Visualization, Virtual Environments. Plus Access to GVU Technical Reports, The GVU Users's Guide, The WWW User Survey, and more!
Georgia State University
under construction in Jan 94.
University of Georgia Botany Department.
Work is currently being done on problems extending from molecular genetic regulatory mechanisms to the ecology of acid rain.


Honolulu Community College
NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF)
Information about the operation of the observatory, including instruments, schedules and procedures. Documentation for instruments and software. Source code for software tools. Forms for application for time. Miscellaneous information and interesting pictures.
UH College of Engineering WWW Server
General Information about the College of Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Contains interactive maps of Holmes Hall, the College Building, and a collection of user-submitted pages.


Idaho State University
Providing--Information about the University of Idaho: Academic catalogs and Handbooks, class listings, descriptions of major courses of study, faculty and staff directories, etc.
University of Idaho WWW Server
Information of interest to our faculty, staff, and students, as well as information about the University, the State of Idaho, and the US Pacific Northwest.


FNAL Astro
Support for experimental astrophysics at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory including Sloan Digital Sky Survery. ruth@fnal.gov
Information for the general public on Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and high energy physics, the study of the fundamental particles and forces of nature. Information for high-energy physicists and other technical professionals in related disciplines.
HEP Network Resource Center
Based at Fermilab. Runs the High Energy Physics Information Center (HEPIC).
The Learning Through Collaborative Visualization Project (CoVis)
Information, papers, and project support materials from the CoVis Project at Northwestern University. CoVis is an NSF-funded effort to rethink science education using innovative computer-mediated communication tools, collaboration software, and visualization tools.
The Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy (IMSA) is the nation's only three year, residential, public high school for students talented in the fields of science and mathematics. It is also the state of Illinois' reseach and development laboratory for K-12 mathematics and science education. IMSA's WWW server is entirely student administered.
National Center for Supercomputing Applictions, Urbana Champain, IL, USA.
The Northwestern Univ. Dep. of Mathematics
This server contains information about the department and items of interest to its faculty and students.
Northwestern University, Network Response Center.
Argonne National Laboratory
This WWW server is the network gateway to Argonne National Laboratory electronic information resources, which describe Argonne projects, programs, and capabilities.
Big Time Television
An experiment in technology and culture... Big Time serves information on the weirder side of culture. Featured on the site is the H.P. Lovecraft Image Gallery and a section for experimentation with hypermedia fiction.
The US Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. They use GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System).
Argonne National Lab
The Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source, Controls and Computing Group Information Server. They use EPICS (Experimental Physics and Industrial Control System)
Parallel Programming Laboratory
Home page of the Parallel Programming Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Describes current work being done by the group, including information on the parallel programming language it developed, Charm.
rec.guns FAQ server
Information pertaining to the recreational and defensive uses of firearms, in hypertextual form. Includes image and sound archives.
Rob's Multimedia Lab
The laboratory to do your multimedia exploratory. Sponsored by the ACM at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
Univ. Of Illinois, Computer Science dept.
University of Chicago Macintosh Laboratory World Wide Web Server
We are currently serving information about the University of Chicago Computer Science department, the College Research Opportunities Program, The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, and the University of Chicago Philosophy Project, a forum for the slow reading and discussion of philosophical texts.
461 Ocean Boulevard
Mostly just Eric Clapton information. GIF's and JPEG's of Him, a semi-searchable discography and listing of "rare live recordings". A FAQ soon and lyrics soon maybe.
Virtual MeetMarket
The easiest way to meet someone new on the World Wide Web. Personal ads are published for free, and can consist of a full-page of text and inlined GI Fs. Responses from interested users are forwarded by the server to the advertiser for a small charge.


Indiana University
All Indiana University Campus Servers
Indiana University - Bloomington
Indiana University, Purdue University at Indianapolis
Indiana University School of Law - Bloom ington
Includes the Federal Commu nications Law Journal and the Global Legal Studies Journal.
Indiana University School of Music
Indiana University Computer Science Department
Jazz Butcher Consp iracy
hypermedia presentation of information about the Jazz Butcher, an english pop group. included at this site are loads of photos, albums scans, the complete archives for the jbc-list mailing list, and a few audio snippets.
Notre Dame High Energy Physics Group
It provides some information on out high energy physics program and our university as well as links to most of the other HEP databases.
Indiana University Computer Science Department
The Orange Room
The Orange Room is Notre Dame's hip, underground web server for the students to publish their own WWW pages and other unofficial content.
University of Notre Dame
This is the official WWW server of the University of Notre Dame, with corporate information, administrative and academic data, and links to the student WWW server.


Iowa State University Entomology Department
The server contains information about faculty, graduate students, and programs in the Entomology Department at Iowa State University in Ames. It also provides a list of electronic resources for entomologists, an Insect Image Gallery, and some tasty insect recipes.
The Virtual Hospital
A digital medical/health sciences library on the Internet


univ. Kansas
Campus-wide system in hypertext.
The University of Kansas Telecommunications and Information Sciences Laboratory (works on high speed networks, digital signal processing, simulation of communications systems and networks).
Kansas State University
Dept. of Computing and Information Sciences


University of Kentucky, Lexington
The University of Kentucky server covers campus information, including campus maps, class schedules, local weather, and more.


Louisiana State University Office of Computing Services. (under construction in oct 93)
Louisiana tech
CWIS and pointers
Northwestern State University
Primarily carries information relating to the university and it operations. Early plans also include placing the University's Nasa Affiliated Space Science group on this server.


The Jackson Laboratory
Mammalian Genetics - Research, Resources, and Training. This server has information of interest to the biological community.


The Advanced Laboratory Workstation Project at NIH
An AFS-based distributed administration and computing project at the National Institutes of Health.
The Agricultural Genome
at the National Agricultural Library which is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. see our README file.
Federal Information Exchange, Inc
FEDIX - U.S. Federal Agency Opportunities
The Genome Data Base (GDB)
The GDB Human Genome Data Base supports biomedical research, clinical medicine, and professional and scientific education by providing for the storage and dissemination of data about genes and other DNA markers, map location, genetic disease and locus information, and bibliographic information. (official, supported)
Homebuyer's Fair
American homebuyers can obtain mortgage financing before the next jump in interest rates. Visit the Homebuyer's Fair, and try the Lender's exhibits. Also at the fair, you may view prototype house listings that include pictures and floor plans, and visit the Homebuyer's Information Booth, where you can get the lowdown on no money down real estate and other topics.
Imaging and Digital Arts , University of Maryland
A graduate student run page which will include a large stash of works in progress from the IMDA program here, many images, sounds,quicktime movies, text and will soon include an interactive collage for web users to direct it's subject images.
The Johns Hopkins University BioInformatics Web Server
This server contains online hypertext databases for Biology containing information about the molecular Sequence, 3D Structure and classification of Proteins, mouse locus and mapping information, educational materials about molecular genetics, hybridomas and more.
MOLIS - Minority On-line Information Service
MOLIS contains information about minority institutions of higher learning and CASHE scholarship/grant opportunities for minority students.
NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
Access to a vast selection of data from X-ray and Gamma-ray astronomy missions including ROSAT, ASCA, Compton GRO, Einstein and EXOSAT. There is a forms interface to the HEASARC database management system, which allows browsing of various astronomical catalogs and archival datafiles. (Official WWW node of HEASARC)
The National Library of Medicine (NLM)
The National Library of Medicine is the world's largest library dealing with a single scientific/professional topic. It cares for over 4.5 million holdings (including books, journal, reports, manuscripts and audio-visual items)
The STELAR project, part of NASA's Astrophysics Data Facility. Astronomical information and bibliographic databases at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Space Telescope Electronic Information System
The University of Maryland at College Park Department of Computer Science
has set up two servers, one run by a faculty member the other run by graduate students.
The University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
UMIACS provides links to faculty and staff home pages, the Department of Computer Science Technical Reports, other Research Projects and Papers, and other services on campus.
Social Security Administration
The Social Security's Home Page.


the ADS Abstract Service
It provides access to currently about 160,000 Astronomy and Astrophysics abstracts with a sophisticated searching system.
Active Window Productions
Active Window Productions creates print, video, and interactive materials. Home of FINS: the Fish Information Service containing resources about aquariums, both marine and freshwater.
Boston University
The official Boston University server. General information about the University and links to college, school, and department servers.
Boston University Department of Physics
Most of the page is still under construction. It will eventually include an hypertext guide to experiments at the department, and hopefully, floorplans of our buildings with profiles of professors and researchers.
Boston University, Scientific Computing and Visualization
includes information on scientific computing and the computational science groups at B.U.
Center for Geometry Analysis Numerics and Graphics (GANG) at the University of Massachusetts Amhers
This service will focus on the Center's research in Differential Geometry with particular emphasis on minimal surfaces, surfaces of constant mean curvature, surface and knot energies, along with applications of this research to materials science and quantum physics.
Synergy WWW Server
Currently my server provides a variety of links to multimedia and graphics sources. I provide access to a large collection of GIF images, and I plan to include other multimedia formats in the near future. I also serve documents related to research in psychology.
The Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)
The CfA combines the resources and research facilities of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and the Harvard College Observatory to pursue studies in astronomy and astrophysics.
Harvard University Physics Department
It has mostly items of local interest, but there are pointers to a few documents which may be useful to a wider community.
The Hub
The Hub is an Internet resource for mathematics and science education, maintained by TERC on behalf of the Regional Alliance.
Integrated Computer Solutions
Full information about Xhibition 94 is available right now. You can use the Web to access descriptions, schedules, and general information. Registration forms are available, right off the Web. This information is officially representative of the company.
Lateiner Dataspace's
We provide information on discrete physical simulation, volume visualization techniques, and other three-dimensional computing technologies.
Luthor at Harvard University
An unofficial student-run server at Harvard University, is still under construction; our resources include a directory of some other Harvard home pages and a calendar of upcoming events (load time may be long - many pictures).
Marine Biological Laboratory
The server provides access to the lab's course listings, laboratory documentation, and access to other Woods Hole-based information sources.
The MathWorks, Inc.
You'll find a product tour for MATLAB, SIMULINK, and all the Application Toolboxes, information on the network services provided by The MathWorks, and much more. Officially mandated server.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The index to MIT servers, student/staff home pages, and other items of interest.
MIT Computing Support Services Consulting
We are currently providing the OLC stock answers for frequently asked questions about various Athena applications and hardware including: User Accounts, Emacs, FrameMaker, LaTeX, Maple, Matlab, Unix and more. We hope to add microcomputing answers soon. (officially supported)
MIT Earth Resources Lab
Part of the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at MIT, ERL provides information on research in applied geophysics.
MIT Earth Resources Lab's nCUBE 2
Located at MIT's Earth Resources Laboratory, this server offers helpful utilities and information for users of nCUBE 2 parallel computers.
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science
An index to pages and demos provided by research groups at the MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
Student Information processing Board, gatewaying AFS, the Discuss bulletin board system, the Geographic Nameserver, US National Weather information, Amateur Radio Callsign database.
The MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, including a searchable index of the AI Lab publications bibliography.
MIT Laboratory for Nuclear Science
New England Community Internet
New England Community Internet is a civic organization dedicated to making Internet accessible to the public without barriers of economics or technical expertise.
Open Advisors Limited networking trainers and consultants. Home of Aquanaut (SCUBA diving forum) and Grapevine (Wine Drinker's forum).
The Object Corps WWW Information Server
The Object Corps is a volunteer society dedicated to the advancement of open object oriented technologies such as NEXTSTEP/OpenStep & Taligent.
The Open Software Foundation
The Open Software Foundation (OSF) is a not-for-profit research and development organization whose goal is to provide a software solution that enables computers from multiple vendors to work together in a true, open systems computing environment. OSF uses an innovative open process for selecting and implementing technology.
The Open Software Foundation's Research Institute
The Open Software Foundation's Research Institute (RI) is chartered to accelerate the development of open systems by investigating strategic technologies that are fundamental to their success, sharing this research with the community, and providing guidance to OSF's technology programs.
The Tech
"MIT's oldest and largest newspaper."
"Usenet University -- New Network Academy" . A virtual university project. Host may change.
National Consortium for High Performance Computing. The server is operating experimentally.
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst
The University of Massachusetts at Amherst campus-wide World-Wide- Web server provides access to the CWIS (campus-wide information service) as well as other campus based WWW resources.
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Astronomy Department
Astronomical research project information, Graduate Program Brochure, and departmental directories.


Calvin College Web Server
This server provides a few Calvin publications, a campus calendar, phone book, a campus map, a Christian resource list, local documentation, access to Calvin gopher services; and as of late, a nice Web gateway to the King James version of the Bible
Center for Display Technology and Manufacturing (CDTM)
The Center for Display Technology and Manufacturing performs research and development on flat panel display technology. This web server provides information on center research areas, capabilities and facilities, and center membership.
Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology
Department of Classical Studies, University of Michigan
Department of Geological Engineering, Geology, and Geophysics at Michigan Technological University
This server provides information about the department and its research areas, local information regarding mineral collecting, and the very popular fishpage.
Michigan State University
Experimental. See MSU Unix Computing Group's home page
Oakland University
Oakland University Information, and access to Oak Archive (primary SimTel mirror) (unaccessible in Oct 93)
The Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM)
ERIM is a private, nonprofit, high technology organization that performs research and development and related services for its sponsors. We have expertise in the areas of remote sensing techniques and applications, image and signal processing, and technology transfer.
The University of Michigan School of Information and Library Studies
Listings of current SILS and ILS-related information services...


Army High Performance Computing Research Center, university led research and educational consortium.
The Geometry Center at the University of Minnesota
is pleased to announce that it is now running a Web server. The server contains, among other things, the illustration from the October 1993, Scientific American cover .
St. Olaf College
University of Minnesota
The University of Minnesota's central Web service provides access to all online information at the U of M published through World Wide Web and Gopher. (Offically Mandated)


Jackson State University
Provides information about Jackson State University; Undergraduate and Graduate Programs, Pre-College Programs, Research, Special Programs, Athletics, etc.
Mississippi State University
The Computing Center and University Relations make general information about MSU available, including the University course catalog and the faculty/staff directory. Archives of the FineArt Forum electronic newsletter, the Words-L discussion group and the National Center for Technology Planning are also available. The Computer Science department and the NSF Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation are populating their own Web servers with information specific to their disciplines.


Data Research
Variety of reference and research information. Several experimental databases are available including the Library of Congress bibliographic and authority databases. Other databases are available only by subscription.
The Maize Genome Database project
Operated by the USDA MAize Genome Database Project located at the University of Missouri -- Columbia, and provides access to Maize-related information. Experimental in nov 93.
The Mizzou Physics Lab SGI Cluster WWW Server
This server gives students on the SGI Cluster the ability to publish their own home pages, provides information about the University of Missouri-Columbia and applications on the Silicon Graphics Cluster, and offers access to many of the other Internet infosystems in the State of Missouri.
University of Missouri Computer Science Telecommunications Program


MARC (USDA, ARS, Roman L. Hruska U.S. Meat Animal Research Center)
Cattle and Swine genetic linkage maps are presented in a unique, visual format. The user may browse chromosome and linkage maps, and click on markers to display detailed information on several hundred microsatellite loci.


(see a sensitive map)
Hundred Acre Consulting
Hundred Acre Consulting is a general software/hardware development consulting company, specializing in real-time embedded systems, GNU compiler internals, and support of Free Software Foundation software. Founded in 1989, we provide software and hardware design, development and support services to clients wishing to supplement their existing staff, or smaller clients who don't have the resources to do extensive development.

University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Information Science Research Institute
Information about the Information Science Research Institute, its research projects, personnel, publications and annual symposium.
Department of Physics
Contains information about the Department of Physics at UNLV.
UNLV Home Page
Information provided by the University. This information includes information on the various colleges, a listing of local conferences, a local events calendar, pollution/pollen reports, and pointers to other sources of campus information. This is also the home of the Chimera WWW browser.
UNLV Web Central
The University of Nevada, Las Vegas has established a new web server. This web server has been officially mandated by the President of the University, and is the central location for all UNLV information.

New Hampshire

Dartmouth College

New Jersey

AT&T Bell Laboratories
Bibliography on computer networking
Dan's Server at The Peddie School
It provides A long list of starting points, and peddie news and information.
Rutgers University INFO
The Rutgers Campus-Wide Information System. Information about departments, services, and events from throughout the University.
Astrophysics: Sloan Digital Sky Survey

New Mexico

Los Alamos
Physics Information Service
Los Alamos National Laboratory. See also the CNLS (Centre for Nonlinear Studies)
National Solar Observatory / Sac Peak
NSO/SP provides users telescopes for high resolution, coronal, and synoptic research programs with a wide variety of integrated instrumentation sytems. On line data analysis and reduction facilities are also available.
Studio X
The Studio X WWW Site will supply the City of Santa Fe and the Internetted world with information concerning events, resources, culture and the arts in Santa Fe and Northern New Mexico.
University of New Mexico
The University of New Mexico (UNM) server is the WWW doorway into UNM. It provides routes into the various information resources of UNM and its departments.
Visioneering Research Laboratories (VRL)
in Las Cruces, New Mexico USA has a new web server available on the web with information about VRL.
xxx.lanl.gov physics e-Print archive
www server for automated physics e-print archives on xxx

New York

AskERIC is geared towards providing information on the process of education to the k-12 community and those interested in education. (under construction in dec 93)
Black Star's Photography/Graphic Arts/ Magazines
Selected on-line versions of popular print magaines; and information about photography and graphic design.
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Multi-disciplinary laboratory that carries out basic and applied research in the physical, biomedical and environmental sciences and in selected energy technologies.
Columbia University Center for Telecommunications Research
Pointers to various Columbia URLs plus random information produced for the CTR. Still under construction in March 94. This is an officially mandated server, however only information marked as being official should be taken as such.
Columbia University Department of Computer Science
Cornell University - CALS - NYSAES WWW server
The Cornell University, Collage of Agriculture and Life Sciences, New York State Agricultural Experiment Station WWW server provides access to information about the Station, its Faculty and Research Programs, as well as digitized images and electronic versions of the Station's publications.
Cornell University Department of Astronomy
Information on graduate studies, faculty research, and summer student programs in the Department of Astronomy at Cornell University.
Cornell Information Technologies (C.I.T.) Computer HelpDesk
It contains information on computing at cornell and the use of computers and the network in general as well as access to several of Cornell's computer services.
Cornell Law School
Ithaca, New York, USA. Contains legal information (US Intellectual Property Statutes etc etc.)
Cornell Theory Center
includes links to extensive online information system about supercomputing architectures there.
Cornell Modeling and Simulation Project
Provides information about on-going research in numerical Modeling and Simulation of physical systems being done at by faculty and students in the Cornell University Department of Computer Science.
Cornell University (CIT) STOS Information Center
Information on Cornell Information Technologies public computer labs, insight into life at Cornell, hyperlinks to worthless information, and miscellaneous other fun things. (Information is unofficial)
Computer Science House at Rochester Institute of Technology
We are a student run organization designed as a socio-technological commune
Cornell Wilson Lab
Serving information about the high-energy physics program at Wilson Lab, CLEO collaboration preprints, and related information.
Cornell University Engineering Library
This web server is a home document for information about the Cornell Engineering Library and its services. It provides information on several electronic library projects that we are involved in. It also points to: other Cornell University WWW servers, a guide selected by our staff to Science and Engineering Journals and other Engineering, Computer Science, and Geology Internet Resources, Library News - Engineering, Mathematics, & Physical Sciences Libraries Cornell University, and the Engineering Library Gopher.
Commercial service which delivers advertising and marketing information to the Internetsuch as a Global Real Estate Guide. We also provide public services guides such as a Missing Kids Guide.
State University of New York at Stony Brook
This server provides access to SBNEWS, Stony Brook's official campuswide information service and other servers including the Physics department.
The SUNY/Buffalo Geography Department
You Are Here server (which takes your hostname (or any other) and tries to display it on the map), and information and research exhibits from the NSF-funded National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis. (under construction in nov 93)
The Princeton Review
Provides students with test preparation courses and extensive information about college, graduate and professional school admissions issues.
U of Rochester Lancelot's W3 server
We provide gateways to GlobalMUSH (a text based interactive virtual environment) with a global-community theme, references to the Bible, Monty Python scripts, some photographic materials data, work on a text-based VR environment with images and online data, and other things.

North Carolina

The Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval at North Carolina's MCNC.
The Avid Explorer
The Avid Explorer provides information on travel destinations around the world. Featured: a focus on scuba and skiing/snowboarding; travel service and product providers; and current information on cruises, tours, FIT's, and vacation alternatives.
The Duke University Department of Chemistry
The primary goal of the site is to promote and advertise the Department and its on-going research, with an extensive multi-media exhibit in chemical physics at surfaces and geometric aspects of protein structure and function
The National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
There is a gateway to NOAA's WWW servers using interactive image maps, one of which is a map of the US showing locations of the NOAA labs and the other is an organizational chart. You can create a contour map or a time series using an Interactive form. There are numerous published papers online that address global warming.
North Carolina State University
This server contains links to NCSU administrative and academic information. It includes an archive of Sybase information and tools as well as an Amateur Radio system.
The Research Triangle Institute
A multidisciplinary not for profit research institute in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA has a server containing information about the Institute an the Research Triangle Park area..
Duke University
The official gateway to WWW and other information services at Duke University.
State Library of North Carolina WWW Server
This server specializes in providing information for the library community, state government agencies, and the business community in North Carolina. Specialized products include county, municipal, and statewide demographic and economic data profiles.
UNC General Administration WWW Server
The UNC General Administration WWW server disseminates information about the University of North Carolina System and provides information about, and links to the sixteen associated UNC campuses. This is an officially mandated server for the University of North Carolina General Administration
UNC Chapel Hill
Includes US Politics, Sun Freeware, Multimedia. You should have a look at the EXPO , including 4 multimedia exhibits: Vatican , Soviet Archive , 1492 , Dead Sea Scrolls .
UNC Institute for Transportation Research and Education
The subjects covered by this server include transportation, highways, education, geographic information systems, ARC/INFO, satellite television, Raleigh, and North Carolina.
Wake Forest University
Contains Deacons On-Line - the campus-wide information system - , research documents available to the public; on-line user's guide - , the guide to the university's academic computing system, a Unix system.


Case Western Reserve University
All Web and Gopher servers at CWRU are accessible through this experimental "Campus Root" server. It also includes lots of campus information and pointers to external resources.
Morning Star Technologies
Morning Star Technologies makes products for low-cost IP connectivity: SLIP, PPP, Frame Relay, X.25. This WWW and FTP server represents, and is officially supported by, the company.
NASA Lewis Research Center
The NASA Lewis server provides information about NASA Lewis Research Center and its ongoing projects. It contains personnel directories, information on current research projects, and general information about the center.
Ohio State Marion
information files for educators such as information and images from our prairie reconstruction and files descriptive of our experiments at the University Classroom of Tomorrow.
Ohio State University
Lots of indexed hypertext: unix man pages (indexed), RFCs, gateways into various things.
Ohio State University, ElectroScience Laboratory
Our lab just celebrated our 50th anniversary in electromagnetics, and we are providing access to a wide range of information about our facility, services, people and university in general. Check us out!
Ohio Wesleyan University
Mainly student home pages, but may eventually have information about the university, esp. the CS department. Run by students -- not officially mandated.
Pettit College of Law, Ohio Northern University
The server contains materials useful to legal pedagogy and general Law Related materials.
University of Toledo Department of Biology
Provides links and documents of immediate interest to the faculty and students of the department.


Oklahoma State University Computer Science Department
Oklahoma State University Mathematics Department
Oklahoma State University WWW Home Page
OSU's WWW Welcome Page provides pointers to all WWW information at OSU, including institutional and local information, the University Research Report, and links to other Web servers at OSU and elsewhere.


College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University
The server provides information about the college, faculty, staff, research projects, academic programs, NASA funded Earth Observing System project and etc.
Computational Intelligence Research Laboratory (CIRL)
The University of Oregon's CIRL is a laboratory affiliated with the CS department and doing research on basic questions in artificial intelligence: search, knowledge representation, and reasoning. (Official)
Oregon US. Fish and Wildlife Service orensic Laboratory
This server has information relating to wildlife forensics, wildlife educational materials and wildlife laws.
University of Oregon
This is the official home page for the University of Oregon
University of Oregon Physics Department
This server contains a wide range of information and images relevant to astronomy and environmental sciences. Departmental information will soon appear as well.


Carnegie Mellon University
Links to resources of interest in the CMU community. This is officially mandated.
The EnviroWeb
A non-profit organization that deals with the facilitation of communication on environmental issues.
Penn State University Department of Mathematics
This server distributes information about the Department of Mathematics at Pennsylvania State University: its educational programs, its research efforts, its faculty, and its facilities. (Official)
Penn State University, Department of Radiology
Information and pointers to information of interest to people working in the field of Radiology
PSU Linux Info
Information about Linux, a free Unix for intel 386 computers
univ. Pennsylvania
The U. of Pennsylvania WWW server, links with other web servers on the Penn campus; provides gateways to PennInfo, the University's CWIS, and to Gopher servers at Penn and worldwide. Contains info in the fields of engineering, educational technology services, physics, medicine, computer and information sciences, statistics, math, virtual language, cognitive science, and economics. We're growing, so there's more coming.
CMU Schhol of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon School of Computer Science
The English Server
We offer many texts not available elsewhere on the Internet, primarily of interest to humanities scholars
Justin's Links from the Underground
A coordinated collection of impressive information, luscious links, and both ubiquitous and unique items on the net.
We provide multimedia information regarding all aspects of cancer and cancer therapy. This includes childhood and adult cancer, medical oncology and radiation oncology. Our mission, in alliance with the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, is to promote cancer research, to educate, and to care for patients with cancer. This WWW server is officially mandated by the Radiation Oncology Department of the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center.
Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
PSC's mission is to provide advanced scientific computing
Temple University SYNERGY Project
Up-to-date information on the upcoming SYNERGY product, a parallel distributed computing system. Estimated time of entering public domain: summer, 1994. This server does not represent Temple University. Status: experimental
UPenn Math
While our primary function is to provide resources for mathematicians and for our students, some of the tools and references we have assembled are of general use. These include information concerning TeX, finding e-mail addresses, use of the Web, and computer information. During the next year we anticipate a substantial change as the nature and quality of available material increases.

Puerto Rico

National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center
Information about the Arecibo Observatory facilities and the scientific work conducted at this unique site, home of the largest single dish radio telescope in the world. Officially mandated

Rhode Island

Brown University WWW
"Directory of WWW servers at Brown"
Brown Univ. HEP
The Brown High Energy Physics Group
Brown Univ. Physics
The Brown University Department of Physics (under construction in oct 93)
Department of Chemistry at the University of Rhode Island
Information about the University of Rhode Island, the Chemistry Department, a summary of chemistry faculty and their research, and graduate admissions information.
We have information on Rhode Island happenings, with information from the RI Department of Education, Department of State Archives, and the Department of State Library Services. We also have information on Florida, both travel/hotel and restaraunt information...


The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Environmental Sciences Division
This server has been established to provide the public with information about ORNL and ESD research and develop activities. Any comments or suggestions are welcome and appreciated.
University of Tennessee High Energy Theory Group
Links to Tennessee, High Energy Physics, and other resources of interest to our theoretical physics group
University of Tennessee, University Relations
Current contents of this server include: Bicentennial information, Campus and Institute Information, Sculpture Tour, UT Newsmakers, UT Science Bytes, WUOT-FM.


ARIAWeb - American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA)
ARIAWeb provides information on the programs and services offered to members and friends of ARIA, the premier professional association of scholars and professionals in the field of insurance and risk management.

Baylor College of Medicine
Biomedical Research and Educational Information. This is an official resource of the organization.

Energy Systems Lab - Texas A&M University.
Includes information on the Monitoring and Analysis portion of the Texas LoanSTAR program.

W.M. Keck Center for Genome Informatics, Institute of Biosciences and Technology, Texas A&M University, Houston.

Fusion Studies
The WWW server of the Fusion Research Center, the University of Texas at Austin. This server contains information about the fusion research program conducted by the Fusion Research Center and the Institute for Fusion Studies at UT. It is a repository of physics/fusion newsletters and software, pointers to physics information, white pages directories for fusion labs, information for UT employees, Fusion Research Center technical reports, and information on TEXT-U Tokamak and diagnostics.

McDonnell Douglas Aerospace - Houston
This server provides demonstrations, descriptions, and points-of-contact for the engineering services and technologies available. A "What's New ..." page keeps visitors abreast of newly published exhibits, and a "Technology Profiles" section indexes topics of interest by category.

NASA/Johnson Space Center
JSC is the main NASA center for the design, development, and testing of spacecraft and associated systems for human space flight. This includes automation and robotics, flight activities and data systems, mechanical design and analysis, rapid development, repository based software engineering, software technology, and space station.

Quadralay Corporation
Provides Company and Product Information, C++ Forum, Austin information. Mandated and represented by Quadralay Corporation.

RiceInfo (Rice University CWIS)
The campus-wide information system for Rice University in Houston, Texas.

RISKWeb provides information to academics and professionals whose research and/or teaching interests are in Risk and Insurance. It provides access to a substantial amount of economic and finance information available in WWW.

Superconducting Supercollider Laboratory.

University of Texas at Austin
The official Central WWW server of UT Austin. Highlights include the General Libraries' Special Exhibitions section and CIA Maps, the Computation Center's UNIX Resources page and Microlib/Mac section, and the page on WWW for Instructional Use.

UT-LANIC (University of Texas, Austin - Latin American Network Information Center)
UT-LANIC provides Latin American users with access to academic databases and information services throughout the world and provides Latin Americanists worldwide with access to information on and from Latin America.

University of Texas at Dallas
UTD Campus Wide Information System. The information is officially mandated and representative of our organization.

University of Texas at Houston
Health Science Center Campus Wide Information.

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center - Avery Lab
The Avery Lab at UTSW studies feeding behavior in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. This server is offered as a resource to the C elegans research community.

UT System MISWeb - Office of Management Information Systems
MISWeb provides useful and current information about the University of Texas System and its components. There are five central areas: Financial Management, Human Resources, Investments, Students, and Research.


Brigham Young University CS Department
General information about the CS department including faculty, course listings, facilities listing, an online floorplan of the CS building, announcements, and links to the research laboratory.
Brigham Young University Laboratory for Applied Logic
Provides access to our LAL tech library, and online documentation to the HOL proof assistant, support for courses (soon), with exercises, errata to the textbook, and FAQs online.
The Dixie College Center of Excellence
The Center of Excellence for Computer Graphics at Dixie College is responsible for delivering information that is unique to our area and situation. The work in being done by students in the Computer Science Department and by Research Assistants in the Center of Excellence for Computer Graphics.
The University of Utah
This is the main WWW server at the University of Utah. It provides general information about the University of Utah and provides links to other WWW servers at the University.
Utah Supercomputing Institute
We are a regional supercomputing center located in Salt Lake City, Utah.


University of Vermont's Division of Computing and Information Technology
includes an electronic museum exhibit entitled Charlotte, The Vermont Whale.
Univ. Vermont EMBA
University of Vermont Engineering, Maths and Business Administration.
Virginia Tech Scholarly Communications Project
Unix. Vermont Library is actually the Scholarly Communications Project of University Libraries, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virgina, USA.


Advanced Research Corporation
Technical reports and information on the viability of NCSA Mosaic and NCSA HTTPD of satisfying the government dissemination requirements, including interactive documents, multimedia, database applications, and document conversions.
Bridgewater College
The Eagle's Nest provides online information about Bridgewater College, its facilities, catalog, and calendar of events.
ECC/TCS WWW server
Information in general about GMU and some of the departments here. There is also information about the Linux Operating System, Native American Indian topics, and other general WWW topics.
Electric Press, Inc.
Commercial publishers and consumer advisors on the Internet. Includes exemplary hypertext pages of traditional materials. This is the official server of Electric Press, Inc.
NASA Langley Nonintrusive Diagnostics Branch
Server provides a mac-based graphical map which leads to descriptions of the organization, its personnel and its research tasks. Of particular interest are a growing list of experimental data (images) on fluid mechanics experiments.
Primarily in aeronautics, but there is some space, computing, and life sciences
Old Dominion University
information about our university and the services that it provides, especially pertaining to the Computer Science Department. This server is officially mandated by our University.
Project GeoSim
Project GeoSim develops and distributes Geography Education software.
The Queer Resources Directory (QRD)
Information on issues pertaining to HIV/AIDS, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people.
US Geological Survey: a scientific fact-finding and research organization, and the principal source of scientific and technical expertise in the earth sciences within the Federal Government.
General information server about the Southeastern University and College Coalition for Engineering Education (SUCCEED). Additional links to specific SUCCEED research projects. Blacksburg. Officially Mandated
Virginia Tech
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Experimental
VTLS, Inc.
VTLS Inc. is a private, for-profit corporation with headquarters in Blacksburg, Virginia. Our mission is to develop, market, and support innovative library automation and information system products.


Pacific Northwest Laboratory
PNL is a multi-program national laboratory operated for the United States Department of Energy by Battelle Memorial Institute. PNL concentrates on research and development programs in energy, environment, and national security. Server includes information about PNL as a whole and specific science and technology programs.
The American Astronomical Society
The AAS server contains information on the Society, meeting schedules, abstracts, a staff directory and an HTML version of the AAS Job Register.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
The NOAA Home Page serves as the official entry point for users to access information about NOAA and points to data and information resources available within NOAA including other WWW servers. This is the official home page for all of NOAA.
National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC)
The NODC is one of the environmental data centers operated by the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NODC provides ocean data management and ocean data services to researchers and other users in the United States and around the world.
Univ. of Washington: Physics HyperTexts:
Charm Studies, Underwater Astrophysics, and more.
Univ. of Washington High Energy Physics Lab
Home page for the High Energy Physics Lab.
Univ. of Washington Nuclear Physics Laboratory
Among other things, this gives access to a hypertext version of the 1993 Annual Report of the UW Nuclear Physics Laboratory.
U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI)
OERI is pleased to announce a new Internet World Wide Web (WWW) server, which provides public access to education research, statistics, and information about the U.S. Department of Education and its programs. The server is open for public access starting Tuesday, March 15, 1994. (under construction in March 94)
Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti WWW
The Venable law firm maintains an authorized WWW server that provides informtion on the firm's legal services and topical legal materials, particularly issues of concern to electronic information providers.


"Strange Interactions" -- Art Work by John Jacobsen
"Strange Interactions" is an Internet art show of paintings, drawings and prints by John E. Jacobsen.
Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC), University of Wisconsin-Madison
This server provides information about the SRC for users, potential users, and the general public. This is the official SRC WWW server.
University of Wisconsin Computer Sciences Department
Information about the Computer Sciences Department: research projects, courses, technical reports, admissions, etc.

Middle East


Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Information service - both in hebrew and English, asssumes a VT terminal with hebrew characters. See also their TeX database (July 1992).

Pacific Rim


Australian National Botanic Gardens
Biodiversity, australian plants. ( Catalogue )
ANU Bioinformatics
Research School of Biological Sciences & Centre for Information Science Research at the Australian National University. BioInformatics department.
CoombsQuest (Social Sciences & Humanities Inf. Fac.) at ANU
Run by the Coombs Computing Unit, for the Research Schools of Social Sciences & Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University. This server keeps track of leading information facilities of value and/or significance to researchers in the field of social sciences and humanities (including the Coombspapers archives).
the Australian Environmental Resources Information Network
Monash VIFP
Victorian Institute of Forensic Pathology
Mt Stromlow Observatory
Mount Stromlow and Siding Spring Observatory
The National Library of Australia
University of Sydney
Basser Department of Computer Science (information about the department and its current research); The Written Web (Communication rather than purely information technology)


IHEP/China Home Page

Hong Kong


See Japan's geography, or list of servers in Japanese
Chiba Univ.
Ikeda Lab., Chiba University, Chiba, Japan. Serving Information on International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Commission on Illumination (CIE), Graphical Symbols standardized in IEC Publication 417; and color paintings with background music, etc.
Hokkaido Univ.
Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Serving Information about Hokkaido(in Japanese) and Information about Sapporo city(in English)
Internet Initiative Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan.
Keio Univ.
The Faculty of Science and Technology (Yagami Campus) and Shonan Fujisawa Campus have their own home page. These home pages have pointers to other WWW servers located in each campus.
KEK National Laboratory for High Energy Physics, Tsukuba, Japan.
Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Nara, Japan. It's named "SHiKA" . It has Campus-information, Kansai-area Informaion and so on.
National Cancer Center, Tokyo, Japan. Serving CancerNet Documents, many Informations, including Himawari,etc.
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, Tokyo, Japan. Serving Japanese Information corner of the web, NTT What's New for New information of the web, etc.
Univ. of Tokyo
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.WWW server for the Yonezawa Lab. at the Department of Information Science, University of Tokyo.
Ube College
Dept. of Computer Science, Ube College.
Univ. of Tsukuba
Institute of Mathematics
Science Information Processing Center
This server provides general information of the university and entry points links to various servers installed on the campus.
SunSITE Japan
The SunSITE Japan Project is managed by the Information Processing Center, Science University of Tokyo in collaboration with Nihon Sun Microsystems.
Osaka Univ.
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), IMS.
Department of Applied Molecular Science (SOUKAN), Institute for Molecular Science (IMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS)
Computer Center Institute for Molecular Science (CCIMS), Okazaki National Research Institutes. Myodaiji, Okazaki 444, Japan.
Meiji Univ.
Meiji University. Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Osaka Medical College
Osaka Medical College Medical Computation Center, Osaka, Japan.
Nanzan University
Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan has just lunched two httpd servers in March, 1994, and is going to provide local information such as faculties, staffs, and students from a central server. In Dept. of Information Systems and Quantitative Sciences, introduction of each lab's members and research interests from one of WWW servers located in the classrooms. Also information on local cities, hobbies, and verious interesting information will be added in the near future. Stay tuned.
Kyushu University
Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Tokai Internetwork Council, Nagoya, Japan.
Wakayama University
Wakayama University, Wakayama, Japan.
Industrial Technology Center of Wakayama Prefecture (WINTEC), Wakayama, Japan.
Kyushu Sangyo University
Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka, Japan.
Kochi University
WWW server is run by Department of Information Science, Kochi University (Akebono-cho, Kochi), which is a new department established in 1990. We have a collection of images on the Earth's environment and weather information. We also serve GMS (Himawari) images for Chugoku/Shikoku area.
The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research Hirosawa, Wako, Japan
The University of Electro Communications. Tokyo , Japan. We have the whois server for all staff.j


Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang
Server provides information about the University (general information, academic programmes, research, etc) and also information about Penang (for tourists who intend to come to Penang; includes maps, pictures, etc).

New Zealand

International Centre for Antarctic Information and Research (ICAIR)
The server contains annual programme reports for several nations outlining current projects and activities on the ice, information on Ozone depletion over Antarctica, and links to other Antarctic related Internet services.
University of Waikato
Victoria Univ. of Wellington
Panui, the Campus Wide Information System.


National University of Singapore (NUS)
BioWWW server. information available from the National University of Singapore, Singapore Technology Network TECHNET, and the Biocomputing Interest Group BIG.
Singapore Technology Network. Singapore's Island Wide Research and Development Network is set up by National Science and Technology Board of Singapore (NSTB) and managed by National University of Singapore (NUS).
Singapore National Computer Board (NCB)
(unaccessible in oct 93)


Tung Nan Junior College of Technology...Home page.
From "Bao Dao" --- Treasure island.This is the TNJC campus-wide hypermedia information service. Serving information and most links on Taiwan Academic NETwork(TANet). To read/write Chinese characters, there is Chinese-BIG5 FAQ.

National Taichung Institute of Commerce
Experimental in March 94


Chulalongkorn University
The official information about Chulalongkorn University as well as another higher education and research in Thailand including study programs and academic activities.
The National Electronics and Computer Technology Center. General information about Thailand

South America


Argentina's Top-Level Domain
gopher/http server providing searches to the nodes connected to ARNET, and pointers to other servers such as UN and servers offering topics related to politics and economics.


RNP - Rede Nacional de Pesquisa
Central WWW server of RNP. Provides information about Internet in Brazil and has links to most WWW, Gopher and FTP servers in the country.

RNP - CR/DF - Centro Regional de Brasilia
Regional WWW server of RNP in Brasilia (capital). Information about Bioinformatics, Sustainable Development and Mercosul.

RNP - CR/SP - Centro Regional de Sao Paulo
Regional WWW server of RNP in Sao Paulo, SP.

BDT - Base de Dados Tropical
(Tropical Data Base - BDT) provides information of interest to Biotechnology and Biodiversity including Brazilian Directories, Brazilian Patents and the Biodiversity Information Network (BIN21) Home Page.

INPE - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais
(National Institute for Space Research - INPE) is a Brazilian government organization dedicated to space science and technology and Earth observation.

UFSC - Department of Informatics, Federal University of Santa Catarina
Provides an index to all Brazilian Network Services, a World Index by Continent (graphic). Also includes information about the Department of Informatics.

UFRJ - COPPE - Coordenacao de Programas de Pos-Graduacao em Engenharia
Information in english about UFRJ's engineering graduate school and research center.


(see sensitive map)
University of Chile, Computer Science Department (DCC)
Official information of the DCC (Departamento de Ciencia de la Computación) and unofficial info of the country. Also has connection to multiple servers in Chile.
REUNA, Red Universitaria Nacional
Information about the chilean Internet Connection.
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Ingeniería
Information about Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Escuela de Ingeniería.
Universidad de Concepción
Information about University of Concepción.


Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Informacisn sobre la Universidad, Catalogo, Noticias, Conexisn a otros ser vers y utilitarios. Informacisn sobre el Ecuador. Information about the University, Catalogue, News, Conection to others ser vers and utilities. Information about Ecuador.


Red Cientifica Peruana
The Peru Republic WWW contains information about our country, institutions as general information and services provided by our network in our country. Also contains general information, and images about our ancient past and turism present. (officially mandated and representative)

Restricted or difficult access

The sunsite repository being set up bu UNC Chapel Hill. (Experimental).
Xerox PARC
Private: Access from Xerox.com only. System33 document server.
CIS Informationsdienst
The information service from the Centrum fuer Informations und Sprachverarbeitung von Muenchen (don't panic: they also have it in English !) Experimental, very slow line :-(. Times out.
OMT group
Private web.
not public - Jon Streets
Tim BL