HTML Widget Public types

A pointer to a function that returns int.
The function set as the previouslyVisitedTestFunction resource should be of this type.
A pointer to a function that returns a pointer to an ImageInfo structure.
The function set as the resolveImageFunction resource should be of this type.
The structure representing a unique element in the document, consisting of the element id, and an offset into that id.
typedef struct ele_ref_rec {
	int id, pos;
} ElementRef;
The structure pointed to by the call_data portion of an anchorCallback Contains the event that generated the callback, the page of the document currently displayed, the unique element ID of the anchor activated, the text of the anchor activated, and the HREF field of the anchor activated.
typedef struct acall_rec {
	XEvent *event;
	int page;
	int element_id;
	char *text;
	char *href;
} WbAnchorCallbackData;
Structure that should be pointed to by the return of the resolveImageFunction resource. Contains the width and height of the image, the number of colors it uses, an array of red, green, and blue values for those colors ranging from 0-65535. An array of unsigned chars that indicate the colors of the individual pixels in the image. The image field can be filled in by the called process, but the Widget expects to allocate and create the pixmap itself. The ismap field is set if this IMG tag was set to be a searchable image.
typedef struct image_rec {
	int ismap;
	int width, height;
	int num_colors;
	int *reds;
	int *greens;
	int *blues;
	unsigned char *image_data;
	Pixmap image;
} ImageInfo;

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