For some images, HTTP servers will be able to handle mouse/pen clicks or drags on the image. This is signalled in the header information returned along with the image data. Alternatively, the ISMAP attribute can be used to signal this capability. The mouse click is sent to the server indicated by the URL in the SRC attribute, using the same URL plus the suffix "?x=X&y=Y"*1 where X and Y are the coordinates of the click event. Mouse drags can be used to designate a rectangular region of the image. In this case the suffix takes the form: "?x=X&y=Y&w=W&h=H" where (X, Y) is the upper left of the rectangle, and (W, H) define its width and height. The ISMAP mechanism is useful when the active regions in the image change their boundaries with time, e.g.
<fig ismap src="weather.gif"> <caption>Click on your area for a local forecast</caption> Todays weather map for the US. </fig>