Paragraphs and <P>
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4 - Paragraphs and <P>

Normal text is automatically wrapped by the browser at the current window margin and adapts to changes in window size. The text is generally shown in a proportional font:

<P ID="p1">The P element acts as container for the text between the start
tag &lt;P&gt;*1 and end tag &lt;/P&gt;. You don't need to give the end
tag as it is implied by the context, e.g. the following &lt;P&gt; tag.
<P ID="p2">If you wish, you may think of the &lt;P&gt; tag as a paragraph
separator. This works since HTML+ formally doesn't require you to wrap
text up as paragraphs.
This would be rendered as:

The P element acts as a container for the text between the start tag <P> and the end tag </P>. You don't need to give the end tag as it is implied by the context, e.g. the following <P> tag.

If you wish, you may think of the <P> tag as a paragraph separator. This works since HTML+ formally doesn't require you to wrap text up as paragraphs.

The following samples of HTML+ all produce exactly the same results when displayed:

<H1>Different ways of using the P element</H1>
<P>The first piece of text</P><P>The second piece</P>
<H1>Different ways of using the P element</H1>
<P>The first piece of text<P>The second piece
<H1>Different ways of using the P element</H1>
The first piece of text<P>The second piece
They all produce:

In some situations you will want to preserve the original line breaks and spacing, for this you should use the LIT or PRE elements, these are described in a later section. You can force line breaks in normal paragraph text with the <BR> element, but the browser may wrap lines arbitrarily at window margins prior to reaching the <BR> element.

The ALIGN attribute can be used to center a paragraph, e.g. <P ALIGN=center>. Other possibilities are ALIGN=left (the default), ALIGN=right, ALIGN=justify and ALIGN=indent. This attribute is a hint and may be ignored by some browsers. Note that when using explicit line breaks (see Section 5.12) you may wish to switch off word wrap with WRAP=OFF.

Browsers, when parsing paragraphs, can choose to simply treat the <P> tag as denoting a paragraph break. If the paragraph style includes a blank line between paragraphs, then additional care is needed after headers and other major elements*2 to avoid inserting an unwanted blank line, e.g. when a <P> tag directly follows a header. This ability to perceive <P> as a paragraph break provides for continuity with HTML, and allows authors to graduate to treating it as a container in their own time.

HTML+ Discussion Document - November 8, 1993

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